Chapter 28: Lollipops and Hate

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April's POV

Today was supposed to be an interview, but those idiots changed it at last minute. So, here I am. I'm at a meet and greet with the boys inside a mall. I've never been to this mall and I don't remember the name. It's sad really. I was just awkwardly standing by Paul at the side near the boys. Niall kept looking back and forth between me and the fans that are in the line. I pointed to him and then the fans as if to tell him 'Pay attention to them, I don't want them to see me'. He turns to the fans with a bright smile. What did I tell ya? They love their fans.

"So, your the famous April Horan?" I heard Paul say. I turn towards him and look up. Yeah, I'm really short. I smile and nod.

"And your the famous Paul Higgins, ay?" I nudge him with a laugh. He chuckles and shakes him head.

"You know, when the boys say they talk about me to people all the time, I thought they were lying" He says with a laugh. I let out a light laugh and turn towards the fans. They're like little groups. You have the nice ones, the rude ones, the mean ones, and the ones that are chill and just don't care. Oh, and also the banshees. They're loud.

The nice ones are quiet and shy and talk quietly. The rude ones nudge people and boss people around. The mean ones glare and sneer, but not at the boys. The chill ones just sit there and wait their turn. The banshees scream like their life depended on it. I wish I had earplugs now.

"April!" Niall yelled at me. I looked over at him and saw him with a girl who had amazing blonde hair. The girl had shiny blonde hair in a French braid with two pieces the hair infront of her face. I walked over to them and gave a soft smile.

"Yeah?" I asked him. He nodded towards the girl in front of him. I raised an eyebrow at him, but he just nods towards her.

"She wanted to tell you something and she has something for you," He says with a smile. She looks innocent, nice. If she's rude I might have to hit a bitch.

"Yes?" I smile at her. She motions for me to move forward, so she can whisper in my ear. I lean forward so I can hear her. She moves closer and whispers in my ear.

"I'm going to put this nicely, okay? No one likes you, the fandom wants you gone and everyone thinks your a slut. You go for Liam and then you go for another guy? Nialls sister or not, get lost. No one wants you here. Oh, your looking a little chubby. Here," She hands me a box of lollipops. She wants me to loose weight with lollipops? My pleasure.

"Stop eating and take small licks from those. Also, stop wearing slutty clothes. No one likes it. Besides, your fat. Fat people shouldn't wear stuff like that," What's wrong with what I'm wearing? It's a marvel cropped hoodie and red jeans and some grey Dr. Martens. I thought it looked nice. [ ] (This is on my polyvore account. It's called SNA ch. 28 and my account name is aboobear)

"Don't tell anyone about what I said, okay? Say I just complimented something, even though that's kinda hard," She mumbled. She pulled back with a soft, small smile and looked at me and Niall. I pulled back and put on a fake smile and nodded at her.

"It was nice seeing you and thank you for the lollipops," I say to her. She nods and walks infront of Louis. Thank God I won't see her again. I look down at the lollipops and walk back over to Paul. He smiles at me, probably seeing the lollipops.

"Looks like a fan has already taken a liking to you," Paul says with a bright smile. I give him a small one back and nod.

"Yeah. Seems like it," I mumble while looking down at the lollipops. I look up and see all the boys smiling at the fans and talking happily to them. Do they all hate me?

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