Chapter 34: Arguements and Trips

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Niall's POV

"Hey," The familiar voice said.

"Hey, how are you? Is everything okay? Are they nice? Is some being rude to you? What about your thera-" I was cut off by the voice on the other line laughing.

"I'm fine. Everyone's nice and my therapist is good," April says with a light laugh. At least she laughed. Last time she wouldn't even speak to me. This is an improvement.

"Good. How's everything been? Are you getting better?" I ask her. I hear mumbling on the other line before the while other line went quiet. No laughter, no talking.

"Everything's been good. My kidney stones are almost gone and I'm eating properly," She says with slight boredom laced in her voice.

"I was actually wondering if I could bring some people with me to Christmas. Since I don't have money with me, obviously, I was wondering if you could pay for them. There's only two of them," April told us with excitement and uncertainty in her voice. Does she know how much those tickets cost? I know I'm in a famous band and all, but I can't pay for all of that.

"April, we can't do that. It's too much money," Ryan told her. I had a feeling this conversation wasn't going to end well.

"That's the thing. I understand tickets cost a lot and I was wondering if you all could pitch in for them. It's only 3 tickets to London," She begs.

"Yeah. 3 tickets to London and going back to Australia. We're not made of money April. We could barely send you to Australia and pay for your rehab bills," Ryan told her. I could hear her angry sigh from the end of the line.

"Why don't you just take me out of rehab after Christmas? My kidney stones will be gone by then, i'll know how to eat properly, and nothing else is wrong with me.If I stay any longer I'll miss school, my dance classes, my job which I'm probably already fired from, and I haven't seen my friend in forever. How much more are you going to deprive me from?" She asks with anger. The line was silent aside from Aprils heavy breathing.

"No, April. I'm sorry, but that's final. I can't pay for all 3 of you and you need to go back to rehab for that whole month after Christmas," Ryan tells her. What she said next was not exactly what we were expecting.

"Don't expect to see me at Christmas," After she says that, the line goes dead. That was not how the conversation was supposed to go, but she can't actually think that we can pay for 3 people's flight when I can barely pay for her flight down to London and up to Ireland and then back to Australia. Looks like this is going to be a Christmas without my sister, again.


Aprils POV

"Don't expect to see me at Christmas," I tell them harshly. I end the call and stomp back towards my seat at the long table. Darren looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"I take it that you talked to Niall and Ryan?" He asks me before stuffing some mashed potatoes into his mouth. I blew out an angry sigh and nodded.

"Yeah. They can't pay for all 3 of us. They said that they can barely pay for me to go to London and Ireland then back here. I told them if be better by that time and they could take me out but my stubborn ass brother wouldn't take it, so it turns out I'm not going home for Christmas," I heard Jasmine choke on her water and Darren choke on his potatoes. Jasmine started coughing up her water while Darren was drinking away at his cup of water.

"What? Please tell me I heard that wrong," Darren told me. I shook my head and looked at my food before pushing it away. That conversation made me lose my appetite.

"I'm not going back. We can just spend Christmas up here, I guess. We can make some fun out of this place, right?" I ask them. They shook their heads and Darren sighed.

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