Chapter 3:Out of Hell

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Hey! This is chapter 3! Hope you enjoy. Comment, vote! Tell me what you think!?


Chapter 3:Out of Hell

Liam's POV

Me and the boys, except Niall, were searching this girl up. I remember her name pretty well. Kinda hard to forget when they're just like your band member. We decided not to tell Niall about this yet. We wanted to see if Niall and the girl were actually related. We searched the girl up on google, for some strange reason. Her Instagram, twitter, and YouTube popped up. I wanted to see what was on the videos but decided to keep looking. Nothing about her and Niall being related popped up. We decided to go and ask Mrs. Horan. Since we're still in London, we decided to video call her. She answered on the 3rd ring.






LP- Hi, Mrs. Horan

M.H- Hello boys, is there something you need? Did something happen?

ZM-No ma'am, we just wanted to ask some questions, if you don't mind.

M.H-Oh of course not! Go ahead ask away!

LP- We were wondering, if you ever had a daughter and have her up for adoption?

Mrs. Horan went silent for a moment and hesitated to answer.

M.H- Why of course not! Nialls my last child! He's my baby!

Since she hesitated I'm questioning if she is telling the truth or lying. She looks guilty for, possibly, lying and looks nervous. Why would she be guilty? Why is she lying?

LT-Are you sure Mrs.Horan? Because we met a girl today who looked JUST like Niall! No need for lies now.

LP-Louis don't be rude!

LT-What?!? I was just stating the truth!

LP-You don't have to be so rude!

LT- Whatever! Back to the subject at hand!

HS-So? Mrs. Horan? Anything you have to say?

M.H-Look don't judge me okay? I didn't have the money at the time and could barely keep Niall and Greg!

ZM-When did you give her up for adoption?

M.H-I gave her up after she was born. I already have her to a couple that seemed fit to be her parents. She was very beautiful and couldn't believe I was actually able to give her away. She was born 2 years after Niall. She was born 2 months after Nialls 2nd birthday. He doesn't remember because he was so young. He was actually excited about the baby at that age. He asked where it went. It crushed me to look at his face. He looked so sad. Since he was 2 he could barely talk but I understood. I told him it was a false alarm baby. There really wasn't a baby. When he was 12 he saw the pictures of me pregnant and they were labelled a couple months after his birthday. I told him the baby died in my tummy. I felt horrible when he have me pity. Then he just grew up and forgot because he never knew her so she didn't matter to him.

By now she was crying. And i felt bad for being mad at her for giving her child up. I mean, she didn't have the money and couldn't help it. She was so upset she cried for weeks about her child. Why would I be mad at her when she couldn't help it? Thinking about it made me feel more guilty.

LP-I'm sorry. I didn't know. We just wanted to know what happened. But we have to tell Niall. That's his sister. Maybe you could come over and meet her also? You'd have to explain all of this tho.

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