Chapter 26: Horror Movies and Kisses

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April's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK?!? DON'T GO THERE! ARE YOU STUPID?!?" I yelled at the tv screen. Everyone turned to look at me weirdly before turning back to the tv with a laugh. Victoria and I had a habit of screaming at the tv when people did something stupid. I think the boys are used to it by now. We were half way through the movie and I was already half way behind Liam. Yes, I was beside Liam. The only seat left was beside him. I wasn't scared of horror movies, in fact I kinda like them. This movie just wasn't my favorite.

"Can we talk?" Liam whispered to me. I look at him and nod.

"I'm sorry about all the stuff that went down. I dated Danielle again because she brought up old memories which brought up more of my feelings towards her. I didn't mean to break your trust, I knew you had issues with trust. I really didn't mean to be so rude and inconsiderate and a plain jerk. This is probably the worst time to say this, but when I was with Danielle I was still thinking of you. Where you were, what you were doing, if you missed me too. I thought I just had a little crush on you, but I have strong feelings for you. You don't have to trust me yet if you don't feel you can. I just want to know you forgive me," He whispered to me with tears in his eyes. I lean forward and kiss his cheek and pull back with a soft smile.

"I forgive you," I whispered. He gives me a wide smile before leaning forward and kissing all over my face. I held back a giggle, so the boys wouldn't hear us or notice us. Liam pulled back and pulled me to his chest. I rested my head on his chest and cuddled up to him. He sighs quietly and rests his chin on too of my head.

I have to admit, I kinda missed this. I missed cuddling with him, kissing him on the cheek and him returning it. I missed watching Disney movies with him, pulling pranks on the boys with him, sleeping next to him, running around the grocery and picking up junk food. I missed everything I did with him. Even if he broke my trust, I want to repair it and get back to normal again. I want to be with him and the boys.

When we finished the movie, we sat on the couches and the floor, talking about, literally, everything. Perrie's coming this weekend, Eleanor's stopping by, Riley is actually already in London with some family, so she's stopping by this weekend, and Perrie heard about me wanting my nose pierced, so she's taking me to a tattoo and piercing shop this weekend.

"Where's the booze?" Victoria asked loudly. I shushed her and put a hand over her mouth.

"We are not drinking booze again. You puked on my rug last time remember?" I glared over at a sheepish looking Victoria.

"You've drank alcohol?" Louis asked. We turn to him and nod. We were all lying in a circle on the floor. I was sitting in between Victoria and Zayn.

"Yeah, but only twice. The first time was during the summer after junior year," I explained. Victoria nodded along while I explained. She gave me a sympathetic look after I explained the situation. I admit, drinking after a break up is horrible for you. I felt hurt and depressed that another friendship of mine was ruined, so i drank some vodka. Thats not so bad, right?

"Not bad, buttercup. Not bad at all," Harry smirked. I rolled my eyes at him, but still had a smile on my face.

"Well, since im not being fed anymore sugar, Im going to sleep. Where are we sleeping?" Louis asks.

"Theres the couch, a guest bedroom with one bed, and i have a couch in my room. Victoria's sleeping with me, so have fun figuring out where to sleep," I grab victorias arm and drag her to my room. Once we're inside my room, with my door closed, I tell Victoria what happened a couple minutes ago.

"Liam apologized and I forgave him," I blurted out. She dropped her bag of clothes and her jaw dropping almost as low as the bag.

"When I said forgive him I didn't mean now! I thought that, you being the stubborn person you are, would wait another week or so. What if he hurts you again? What if he never talks to you again? What if he does what Michae-" I put my hand over her mouth before she could finish. She may be my best friend and she wants to have my back and not see me hurt, but she looks at the negatives a lot.

"He's not like Michael. I don't fully trust him like I used to, but I will try. They have a month before they go on your again. I want to spend time with all of them before they leave. If I never forgave him, things would be awkward and I want to be with my friends and my brother and not be awkward. God, I wasted a whole month of not being with them because what? They didn't believe me about Danielle and that kid?" I didn't know I was crying until Victoria hugged me to her.

We stayed like that for another couple minutes before someone knocked on the door. Victoria pulled back and gave me a small smile before standing up and opening the door.

"Hi. I was just leaving," Victoria said while stepping through the door. It was then that I saw Liam at the door with a small smile and hands in his pockets. I smile at him and pat the seat beside me. He sat at the edge of my bed and looked at me.

"I was wondering if we could start over? The Danielle thing never happened, no broken promises, and no lies," He told me while looking into my eyes. He seemed like he was telling the truth. The question is, do I want to take the chance? I stared at him for a few seconds before smiling.

"Yeah. That would be nice," I said to him. He smiled before hugging me. He pulled back and sat cross cross.

"I'm Liam. I'm best friends with your brother and I would like to be friends," He stuck his hand out to me with a smile.

This is what I want. I want to start fresh I want to start trusting each other again, I want to be friends. Maybe we could go back to how we were, but now is most likely not the time. If we get back to how we were and out of this awkward stage, we might have a chance to be something more. Unless one of us finds someone better. But for now this is what we both need. We all need a break from drama. I smile at him and grab his hand and shake his hand.

"I'm april. I would love to be friends,"

{The song is This Is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco. If it doesn't work, just look it up and take a listen. The song is really good, I love it!}

Sorry for the late update. I start school in a week and I've been getting shit out of my backpack and fixing my schedule and I have to go to orientation/ open house thing on Thursday but I might post a new chapter then. Thanks for being patient with me!

How's school? Have any if started school?

What do you thing about Liam and April staring over and being friends?

What about Bryan and April? How are they going to get information?

I'll update soon! Love you all!





Goal: 550 reads before next chapter

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