Chapter 43: Cuddles and Dress Up (Part 2 of 3)

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April's POV

As I stepped out of the car, with Liam's assistance, I was temporarily stunned. The bright lights, the beautiful people, the stunning area around me. It was a lot to take in.

A lot of beautiful and handsome people were here. The men were looking very nice, especially their asses, and the women looked gorgeous. Their make up and gowns were perfect. The men were wearing nice suits, or fancy outfits.

The place around us had fairy lights around us, a large red carpet, and nice golden doors. The photographers were getting excited over the simplest things. The famous walking, when they talked or laughed, when they walked towards the loo. It was strange.

Liam took a hold of my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine before walking behind the boys and girls. He smiled at the fans behind the velvet ropes and waved at a few. When we got near the door the boys paused and Niall and Louis stopped and spoke to an interviewer. I gave Liam a gentle push towards the fans on the left side. He gave me a puzzled look. I turned him away from me and pointed at the fans screaming for his attention. He quickly turned around and gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking towards them with a kind smile. As much as I wanted his attention and didn't want to be left by myself, he should really talk to his fans. They've done so much for him, for all the boys. Someone grabbed my arm and dragged me towards Harry and Zayn.

"We were going to head to our seats and you weren't with Liam anymore, so, we didn't want to leave you by yourself with criticizing people, and decided to drag you with us," Jasmine said with a grin. I laughed lightly at her, letting her drag me.

"Geez, thanks," I laughed. We headed inside, after stopping a few times for pictures, and took our seats. We started chatting about different things. Ranging from the awards to our favorite foods. After another 20 minutes, the other 3 boys plus Eleanor and Riley appeared. Liam came and took a seat beside me, giving me a peck on the cheek. Niall took a seat beside Harry who was sitting beside Jasmine. The order was Liam, me, Jasmine, Harry, Niall, Riley, Eleanor, Louis, and Zayn. The two empty seats beside Liam worried me. What if Danielle came down here and sat beside him? Didn't she talk about sitting on the other side of the room? I can't remember, but it still worried me.

"How did it go with the fans?" I asked him. I could see the small, genuine smile on his face. You can tell he's more than grateful to those fans. God, he's such a sweetheart.

"It went well. I signed a few things, took pictures, they even gave me some gifts. Look at this," Liam grinned. He held out a large book, which looked to be a scrapbook, and handed it over to me. I flipped the book open and the first page was a note from the little girl who made it.

Dear Liam,

I am so grateful for everything you've done for me. If you have this book now then this will be the 4th time I've met you. Meeting you made me so happy and you even had a whole conversation with me! I made this for you and all of the boys. You didn't judge me when I told you about the many cuts and marks that scrapped my body, or when I told you I had no friends. You listened. You told me that having no friends isn't a bad thing, that everyone's different and I should embrace it. You told me to be confident and even try to make a friend on my own instead of sitting in the back of the class like a loner. You made me feel loved and cared for. So, this is a thank you. You've done so much for me and your advice actually helped me make a friend, she's with me today actually. You've done a lot for all these fans and this is my way to show my gratitude. I hope your life is amazing and you have someone by your side to show that they love and care for you, like how you showed me. Stay safe. I LOVE YOU!

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