Chapter 15: Fights and Drama

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You guys are amazing! I had 103 reads yesterday and I woke up with 116 reads! My first chapter does suck because I was like 12 and I was stupid and bored, but now I am making them better than I did back then. So thank you for this and now I can reach my goal of 120 reads when I reach chapter 20. Love you! Read the note at the end please!


Aprils POV

It has been almost a week since Victoria and my talk. Eleanor and Riley are coming today. It's 12 p.m and it's Friday and you want to know what I'm doing? Sitting in class with stupid Rachel. She just looks at me every now and then, thank goodness. Liam was going to stop by here and give me lunch since I hate the cafeteria food. He said he was going to wear a 'disguise'. Lets be honest. He's probably going to put sunglasses on and a hoodie or something. I know it's the end of September, but it's not that chilly.

Back to the problem here. I'm in class. It's 12 p.m. You get the hint? No? Well, I'm starving! I ate a pancake and a coffee for breakfast. I feel like I'm dying! A few minutes later, the bell rings. I quickly grab my stuff and text Liam to get his ass here quick or I'm eating someone's food. Now I'm standing outside with my phone and bag. I see Liam's black car pull up into the school and I instantly praise God for bringing that man with delicious food. He gets out and locks his car before walking to me with a Bojangles bag. And guess what he's wearing. He's wearing sunglasses and a grey beanie. How does he manage to look hot in everything? I think he could wear clown make up and still look hot.

"Took you long enough! I'm starving," I told him while diving for the Bojangles bag. He moved it out of my way and laughed.

"You said your class ended at 12:15. You haven't been out of class that long and I was with the boys before I left," He kissed me before handing me the bag of heavenly food. I swear I could eat this for the rest of my life, but then I'd be fat.

"Thank you. Now your name is Alejandro and you live in Texas," I tell him, too distracted by food. When I look up I see amusement written all over his face. Not literally.

"You mean Mexico? And why do I have to be called Alejandro? What about Leroy? Or Ian or something?" He asks me. I blush realizing I just said a Mexican name and said he was in a country state. I told you, I'm distracted by food. I'm not in the right mind right now.

"Fine. You can be called.......Mike! You know, like magic mike? Can you strip?" I can't help, but laugh at his disgusted face.

"I am not a make stripper! But I will be called mike because I like that name," He starts walking inside the school and towards the cafeteria. Some people still longer in the halls. Nerds, bad boys, etc. We walk towards the cafeteria doors and push them open. I've ways wanted to do that cliché slow-mo walk into the cafeteria, but I'd look really stupid. People turn and look, probably realizing Liam doesn't go to our school, while we go to my usual table. Victoria is sitting at our table in the corner of the cafeteria.

"Hey! Who's this?" Victoria asks me confused. I never really got to telling her about Liam being Liam Payne from One Direction, so this should be interesting. Oops?

"This is Liam. You know the one I was talking about?" I blushed knowing Liam now knows I talk about him to my friends. Well, more like friend.

"Ooooh. Him. Yeah, I remember," She smirks.I swear if she says anything about the stuff I said I will kill her.

"Yeah. Well, his fake name is Mike so don't call him Liam," She looked at me confused, yet again. Shit. She still doesn't know it's famous Liam. Too much work.

"Did I mention Liam's famous? Oh, I didn't? Oops! Must've slipped my mind," I whispered. She looks shocked before going bananas. Squealing, bouncing, and breathing heavily. Did I mention she loves One Direction? No? Well, she doesn't know any other famous Liam's so she got the hint. Plus, he looks like the famous Liam Payne. She has her eye on Niall though. Gross. I'll make sure she doesn't meet him.

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