Chapter 8:Tease

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April's POV
Me and Liam were watching movies upstairs in his room. Right now we were watching Frozen.
"Look I know I said I like Disney movies, but princesses? Really? I'm still a man ya know!" Liam said. I just laughed at him."I know but it was my turn to pick remember?" I said and kissed him on the cheek. Liam turned to me and smiled. He kissed me on the lips really quick. That wasn't enough for me. I grabbed his face and smashed his lips to mine. He kissed me back and we kept kissing for a while. I decided I'd be fun to tease him for a bit. I bit his bottom lip and pulled on it. He moaned and pulled me closer to him. I straddled his lap with my legs on either side of him. I kissed down his jaw and neck. I sucked on his neck, looking for his soft spot. He started moaning when I sucked on the spot where his neck and shoulder meet.

"April," Liam moaned. I felt him start to get 'excited', so I got off his lap and turned back to the movie. I looked at Liam through the corner of my eye and saw him with his eyes wide and jaw slack while looking at me. I started giggling at him. "Oh, so you think this is funny do you?" Liam asked me. I was still giggling at him and just nodded.

He turned to me and started tickling me. I laughed even harder. "L-L-Liam! Sto-op! I'm so-o-ory!" I kept laughing until he stopped and asked,"Your sorry?Are you really?" I pouted and shook my head. He kissed my pout away really quick. And I smiled at him.

It has been a week since the talk with Maura and not a lot has happened. I come talk to the boys some days and I go back to mine and Ryan's apartment. I have a court meeting with my adopted parents in 2 weeks. Ryan decided to take me under his care instead of Maura. We already have an apartment, so we technically already are living together. I decided to bring up the beatings and everything to them, so I have more reasons not to be with them and stay with Ryan.

Today is Sunday and I have school tomorrow. Nobody knows I know one direction except Ryan and my adopted parents. The paparazzi don't know because we always hang out inside. Niall is going to start dropping me off at school since Ryan got a job that starts in the morning and leaves before me. Maura is coming down this week to see her 'long lost child' as she puts it. I'm a little mad about this because she could take care of Niall and Greg perfectly fine, but I guess she had a valid reason if why she did it.
"You okay?" Liam asked. Me and Liam have been hanging out more lately. I feel kinda bad because I'm not spending a lot of time with Niall like I am Liam. We made a brother sister day, but we haven't decided when.We might do it Friday since its the weekend.
"Yeah, I'm fine just thinking about the court thing," I told Liam. He knows I'm upset about this. They don't know about my parents hitting me, but they know she uses such kind words. Note the sarcasm. Liam just rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.
When the movie was over, we went downstairs to find the other boys. "Boys!" Me and Liam yelled. We heard nothing, so we went to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. "You eat just like Niall," Liam said in awe. I looked at him like he's stupid."Really? because you know, I'm not related to him or anything," I told Liam with sarcasm. He just laughed. "Sorry, I keep forgetting you two are related."

"Where are the boys?" I asked Liam with a confused face. He just shrugged and we started looking around. We walked up to Louis' room and decided to look in there. Liam started heading for the door down the hall, but I pulled him back. "I don't wanna go in there, I feel like something bad is gonna happen," I told Liam hesitantly. "Okay, I'll go open the door and look and you can stay here," he said and continued walking down the hall. I stood behind the wall and watched Liam. He opened the door and glitter and feather popped in his face and covered his hair.
I had to cover my mouth to stop from bursting out laughing. Liam turned around and looked at me from behind the wall. "I warned you," I told him with a laugh. He glared at me, then grinned devilishly at me and held his arms open. "No, No, No,No,No" I told him and started running down the hall and down the steps. I turned to the kitchen and held up a spoon. I'm mean I know. Liam and the rest of the boys walked in. Liam gasped and hid behind Zayn.
"Aww Li, I thought you wanted a hug?" I held my arms open to him with the spoon still in my hand.
He just kept staring at the spoon in my hand and hid behind Zayn more. I pouted and put my arms down. All the boys laughed at my puppy face. Liam came over to me slowly, still afraid of the spoon. I laid the spoon beside me and continued pouting. He hugged me really tight. I hugged back with less force.
"Your cleaning this crap off my face, you know that right?" He told me. I pulled back and looked at him."I didn't even do anything! I didn't know about it!" I mildly yelled at him. He just chuckled and said,"You said something bad was gonna happen and let me go to the door." I pouted and said,"But I didn't know that was gonna happen," while pointing to his face and hair.
"You have to clean up too!" He whined. "Why won't you just help me too?" He asked with a pout. He's so freakin adorable. That's unfair, he can use that and get what he wants. "Okay, don't have a fit you big baby,' I told him. "No sex in my bathroom! I just got it cleaned!" Louis yelled to us. I gasped and started blushing while Liam yelled to Louis.
"No promises!" I stared at him horrified and slapped him and yelled,"Liam Payne! Hell No!!!" He laughed at me an continued up the stairs. We cleaned up and walked downstairs. The boys wanted to watch a movie, so we put in The Conjuring. We were half way through the movie when my phone rang.
"Hello?" I asked while I stepped out of the room, leaving a confused looking Liam on the couch.
"Hey it's me," Ryan said into the phone. I rarely called Ryan since I could just go to the house and talk to him.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked him. He waited a while to answer and it worried me.
"It's about your adopted parents," He said hesitantly.
I was seriously scared now.
Unless its good news.

Maybe they're dead.


Hey I hope you liked it! I'm going to start posting every Tuesday and Friday! Tell me if I should keep going?
Thank ya


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