Chapter 44: Cuddles and Dress Up (Part 3 of 3)

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[Read Authors Note at the end of this chapter! There is also smut in this chapter, so if you hate smut then don't read this chapter. Last First Kiss- One Direction is on the side. The picture of the room is on the side also]
(This chapter is not edited yet, so don't point out any mistakes please)

April's POV

"Oh my God," I said in awe. Liam laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Do you like it?" He whispered in my ear. I shivered from the close proximity. I leaned my head back on his shoulder and sigh. Could life get any better?

"It's amazing," I whisper with a smile. He smiles at me before laying a gentle kiss behind my ear. I breathe out a breath through my nose as I think of reasons why he did this. Anniversary? No, too early. I can't really think of anything else.

The room was beautiful. On and around the bed was filled with red rose petals and candles. It was stunning to say the least. There was a table set up in the corner. A candle was in the middle with 2 plates set and 2 wine glasses. Chocolate glazed strawberries were set on the plates, which made me smile happily.

"You remembered?" I asked him. He nodded as I remembered the time I told him my favorite food. We were having a lazy day and everyone was out and about while me and Liam were playing 20 questions. It was better than sitting in my room and watching re-runs of Gossip Girl.

"You thought I would forget? That hurts, babe," Liam said in feign hurt. I could see amusement dancing in his eyes and the ghost of a smile on his lips. I giggled before wrapping my small arms around his neck.

"It's a shock that you remembered that. It was so long ago," I said in shock and amazement. Liam smiled slyly down at me, eyes twinkling.

"What can I say. I have a good memory," Liam said to me. I snort at his remark. His memory was on the verge of being absolutely terrible. He forgets his keys all the time, he loses his wallet everyday, he forgets where he puts all of his stuff and it's a little sad, but totally hilarious to watch. Watching him search the house frantically, freaking out, it was like watching tv, but less drama.

"Before i make a comment about your snort, we should probably eat this," Liam says, his expression pure amusement as my cheeks turn a cheery red. Liam walked over and pulled out a chair for me, gesturing his hand towards the small chair. I gladly took a seat while Liam sat across from me. Liam pulled out a bottle of red wine. I don't know the exact kind, but I'm more than positive it's red wine. He grabs my glass and pours a small amount before doing the same for himself. I take a small sip and I'm surprised at how wonderful it tastes. It makes me crave for another sip of the sweet goodness.

"Have you ever thought about singing as a job? Your profession?" Liam asks kindly. I look at him from over the top of the wine glass. I've always wondered what it would be like to sing for my job. I love singing, I would get paid to do it, but there are so many negatives. What if I wanted to get married? Or have children? I couldnt do that if I was flying from place to place. I would have to stay in one place around my third trimester. I always thought about other jobs that i could do. I'm not good at a lot of things, so it would be a miracle if i was good at a high paying job.

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