I lean on my hand pushing my cheek up, I was sitting there listening to the commander on how much I screwed up this time. she was like an angry parent, "a winged girl kills an innocent! you know how much trouble this will cause for your department!" she screeched. I almost banged my head on the desk "yea yea and she was a doll, what was I supposed to do? only an angel could've killed a doll... and this one was an easy one" I sighed. "so what d you think I should say, 'sorry' and brainwash everyone" the commander said and banged on the desk.
"that was what I was thinking" I said ad crossed one leg over the other. "zoe this is the second time you've gotten in a fight in front of civilians, its unacceptable! I may have to close your department" she said pacing. im the head of a department if you haven't figured it out yet. the SOP's department, it stands for the special operations dep. "you've said that before" I said, "yeah well this time there was gore and innocent children. I mean if this took place in a brothel or something I wouldn't care. but out von the streets! everyone thinks I should fire you!" I clasped my hands together "go 'head and try"
"damnit! will you show the least bit of worry kingsley!" she scolded me. "no because I know you cant bring yourself to fire me" I said. her face was red with anger, "fine! but you better hope this doesn't happen again!" she screamed and plopped down in her chair. she ruffled threw her drawers until she found a folder. "here's your next mission, it involves a vampire, he's at the zero level" cammander said. I took the folder and examined it
"easy enough, so basically we raid this wearhouse, save the captive, kill everyone excluding the captive, and then leave" I said and plopped the folder on the desk. "consider it done" I said and stood up headed for the door "oh and kingsley" I looked back at her "he's back in Aries" I opened the door and slammed it shut. so you have the nerve to return, well then ill just have to kick your ass all over again, I thought sourly. I reached the door laeled SOP and pused it open. "guys lets go we have another mission" I said.
kyle was situated on the desk in the corner eating jelly beans. Lucifer was on his phone grinning, and leon was on the carpeted floor rolling around restlessly. "finally!" leon jumped up and ran out the door. "really" Lucifer asked and placed his phone on the table "I would've thought commander would've fired you" he said smirking. "nope. she cant she knows that'd be a big loss" I said and itched my neck. "wait so where are we going" I heard leon say noticeably out of breathe. "lets go" I said, kyle nodded and hopped off the desk.
I grabbed my jacket and wrestled it on, pulling my hair out of it. we walked out of the door and all eyes were locked on us. I ignored it and headed for the door weaving passed the desks. the door came quickly. I opened it and a gust of cool air came in. I stepped out and walked out onto the buisy streets. "Lucifer" I said catching his attention as we walked. "he's back" I said darkly, "I heard" Lucifer said letting leon and kyle in front of us. "I thought he would've stayed away considering you spared him like that"
"yeah this time I wont hesitate to kill him" I said dryly. "I know you wont. I wont either" Lucifer said and looked at the stormy sky. "why is it always raining here" he asked holding his glove claded hand up as a rain drop fell into the palm. "I don't know its always been like this" I said as rain drops dotted my forehead and cheeks. "I don't know..." I said, the wearhouse came quickly and I slammed open the door it was rustic in the room. the smell of iron stung my lungs like a bee.
I cracked my knuckles quietly and looked around for some dumbass to kill. "hello" I asked, "hi APD I presume" a dry and cackling voice said. "yes now we can either kill you the easy way or the hard way both works for us" I announced. I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned to see kyle "I sense more then 20 zero leveled and another 10 under zero" I looked around the dark room and cursed. no one could see. I could use light energy... but that glows so it'd light up... but without it I could die, 30 of the things from yesterday.
"go for the throat, kyle if you don't want to fight back us up" I said "find a light switch" I ordered him. he nodded and ran around the room, it was an eerie feeling, not being able to adjust to the dark. soon kyle found a light. all around us people stood, some scratching walls, others had empty eye sockets, the worse ones where digging their faces into the cement. I cringed counting 30, as kyle predicted. "leon, you get 10, Lucifer you get 10 and i'll get another 10. go!" I commanded and ran forwards into a fight stealing dark energy from one of them.
I was biten on the back but felt the let go, I looked back Lucifer stood there dark energy surrounded his hands, big black wings spanned above his shoulders. "you ok?" he asked I nodded my thanks and grabbed two zeroes at the same time and slammed their heads to the wall. now that I knew their weakness this becomes much much easier. I planted my hands on two zeroes and their heads exploded. the last one I slammed head first into a pipe.
my whole body was blood soaked. everyone looked the same, kyle was cringing, I guessed he got himself into a fight. "now to find the captive" I said and walked around until I found a room with no windows just a steal door. I opened it, a small girl sat there in the corner sobbing, I ran and slid onto my knees in front of him "p-pleas help me" he whimpered. I brought him to my chest and stood, "its ok, your going to be ok" I said with a smile. his eyes where miscolored obviously from heterochromia.

The Aries
Fantasyin a city with drug lords and gangs, Zoe Kingsley works with the APD to kill all criminals. her, a demon, a shape shifter, and a wizard, are hired to handle cases the APD can't handle, most of these cases involve lost spirits, demons from hell who c...