I play with the angel statue in my left hand anxiously as chastity's hands danced on the keyboard. "find anything?" I asked for the 5th time in 2 minutes, "not yet I think I can get through their fire wall, its pretty impressive" she said and clicked something. "done. now if you want to know something tell me" chastity said. "there location can you tell me that?" I asked, "they aren't in aries..." she did a few more clicks and brought up a picture of a building. I tapped the screen lightly, "new York city?' Lucifer asked studying the building."why would they go to NYC?" I asked myself. "I don't know their either idiots or geniuses" Lucifer muttered, "well whose up for a road trip" he added with a grin. "so we're just goona go there without even looking into it first?" I asked. "I like the sound of that" I grinned, annaleese was smiling, "I do to" she said and held mr. cuddles to her lips pleasedly. "well everyone, I guess we should go" I said and stood up. I shut the lap top and slipped it into its case, handing it to chastity.
we all retreated to our rooms and started packing. I grabbed a duffle bag and shoved cloths in it. I then went in my closet guns lined the wall, all asortments from snipers to hand guns. along with some knives and bombs of course (because that's what normal teenage girls keep in there bed rooms :). I smirked and started filling the rest of the bag. I zipped it with that loud zipping sound and picke dup the heavy bag. I walked out of my room to see Lucifer dragging a black suit case. I walked down the hall Lucifer close behind. I looked behind me at me and drew the dagger from my belt. I looked at it, it had a rose engraved on the blade.
me finger traced the blade, it truly was sharp. I was tracing it very lightly with my finger tip and it drew blood. I wiped it on my out fit and stuck the blade in its holster, I licked the blood away from my finger. "whats with you and your blood?" Lucifer asked, I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know I wanted to know how it tasted. "strange girl" Lucifer said to himself and walked up next to me, we both starred at the big door.
chastity was the next to join us and then finally annaleese who was wearing a pair of jeans with a red cropped top with the back open. Lucifer was starring, I slapped his arm and he looked down at me "that's rude" I said. he rubbed his arm"and slapping someone isn't?" I rolled my eyes and opened the big door "I think it is best we leave this place for a while" I said under my breath looking at the grey skies. I quickly brought my motorcycle out and put it inside.
once I was finished I grabbed my bag and we started walking, "new York city huh" I said looking around at the people on the street, I knew NYC would be different then aries. for one reason. they have tourists. no one travels TO Aries, it doesn't have a very good reputation. my palms where beginning to feel sweaty from anxiety. I had never been out of this city in 5 or 6 years, we reached the docks, the only way to get out of the city. appearently Lucifer already owns a boat? I'm sort of scared to know why.
on the way there I rested my head on the glass window, below deck, and watched the waves flow around us. I put headphones in and closed my eyes as the ride continued, divine light energy I thought. I soon drifted off into sleep. my eyes opened again and I was in that same spot except a blanket was draped over my shoulders. I pulled it closer, I noticed we had stopped moving and stood up. I yawned slightly stretching my arms, chastity skipped down the stairs "good your up, we're here" she said. I walked up the steps into the wild wind, which smelled like sea food. I put my hand up in an attempt to stop the wind from hitting my face.
Lucifer looked at me, we all grabbed our bags and got off the boat, annaleese almost fell into the water twice. she was ok though, we walked a few more blocks until we reached a deserted train station- being none of us could drive- I walked over to the desk where an old lady sat. "hello" she said eyes drifting from her magazine. "um 3- no 4 tickets to new York city" she slid them forwards and I placed the money on the counter. "children" I heard her mutter as I walked away.
I handed out tickets and we all sat down to wait, it was fairly short. 10 minutes later we where siting in the comfy chairs of a train. it smelled like cigarette smoke, dog shit, and sweat, I cringed. next I asked chastity if her power to manipulate gave her the power to cleanse air, she shook her head with a chuckle. I grabbed the lap top from its carrying case and opened it. for some reason this lap top doesn't need wifi, I think it was something chastity did.
I clicked into the picture of the building, I clicked the box that would make the screen smaller and drew a new tab. I typed, the address I saw next to the door, a map popped up, it was in the middle of the city. I clicked on the link, it brought me to a website, it was about biology? "no one move!" I heard a demanding voice say. I peered up, of course trouble follows me everywhere huh. the man and his posy all wore masks with the snake sign on them.
one of the guys had a gun pointed at a young girl, I stood up from my seat and used the reiling to stand out in the aisle. "what do you not under stand about don't move?" he asked. "uh sorry I don't speak the language of 'idiot' very fluently. please use English" I said deviously "just sit down and tell me all you know about this" I said and held the pocket watch up. even though their eyes where hidden by a mask, I could feel the scowls. I took a gun from my belt and held it up "so you tell me about this, you let the girl go, and I let you live" I said "do we have a deal?" I asked with a smirk.
"no, you sit down, give us your money and anything you have on Michel ores and we let you live, zoe kingsley" I shook my head. "well and to think this was supposed to be a vacation" I said and my finger squeezed the trigger. it hit the man holding a gun to the little girls head. the little girl ran for the hills, after a slight pause, I started to shoot again, leaving on survivor, with a bullet through his abdomen. "now then" I said and slammed him out the window, we where going over a bridge. "tell me what you know" I said squeezing his jaw
"never" he spat at me then pain shot through my body and I fell back Lucifer took action in pushing the man over. I activated my powers but it didn't help, hot tears blurred my vision. and I felt a dagger sticking out of my stomach. I fell back, my body hiting the ground hard as blood streamed everywhere. my eyes fell closed and my consciousness disappeared.

The Aries
Fantasyin a city with drug lords and gangs, Zoe Kingsley works with the APD to kill all criminals. her, a demon, a shape shifter, and a wizard, are hired to handle cases the APD can't handle, most of these cases involve lost spirits, demons from hell who c...