"its simple, you heard about the killings at the APD am I right?" I said, "yes" he answered. "well one of your students was a part of this" I said "so I am here to inspect the school and make sure everything is ok" I said. I stood up "now" I said and headed for the door, "I should get back to work" I said I oprned the door, the halls where vacant I took that moment to activate and let my eye heal. after that was done I headed down the hall. just as I was about to enter the lunch room I heard a shout "everyone don't move"I pressed myself to the door and looked in the window around 10 boys stood up, all armed. Lucifer, chastity, and annaleese where about to take action. "no one move" the man said, fancy rich people school, I thought looking at the chandeler. an idea popped in my mind and I took soft steps to the door I opened it seeing a man smoking. he wore all black, my arm laced around his neck and he yelped. I broke is neck ad grabbed the lighter from his pocket. I then headed outside and jumped in the air.
my wings carried me until I hit the roof and landed softly. I looked around for a door of some sort, and then I saw it, a small trap door in the ceiling. I don't understand why its needed, but ok it will do I thought and opened it. I looked down I jumped down and landed softly on the large chandelier it barely made a sound. Lucifer spotted me first I waved for him to move back, I flicked the lighter. since I don't have a knife... I thought and flicked it on pressing the flame to the string.
the flame spread until the string was turned to nothing with a loud groan the chandelier fell. me being me, hadn't planned this far so now I was falling with the damned thing. I grabbed a pole on the chandelier and pulled pushing myself off so I wasn't falling with the chandelier. instead of landing on floor. I landed some where soft. my eyes opened, Lucifer was holding me, he placed me down quickly seeing as that chandelier only took out about 5 of them. annaleese stood up and flipped four pairs of scissors on her fingers.
chastity also stood up. she looked up, a fire had broken out and kids where running out of the building. Michel emerged from behind the flames and looked at me, I frowned "still there Michel?" I asked. "yeah" he answered in my mind 'wow I look insane" he said, "yeah" I said in agreement. air blew everyone's hair back and my head turned back chastity had air whipping around her body. she looked angry, because the air circulating around her was sent out and blew everyone's hair back violently, it even blew the fire out. I was curious as to know why she got so mad, then I saw the source of her anger.
a boy stood there black hair and dark dark purple eyes with blue mixed in and some red. he was starring at us boredly as if used to chastity's power. "cassius" she muttered eyebrows knitting together. my eyes fell closed and I let my powers activate. I felt that feeling of power course my veins, when my eyes opened again Lucifer was standing next to me. "finally!" annaleese squealed and zoomed forwards, skirt riding up slightly. she started on a killing spree, chastity wouldn't move she just starred.
I wasn't sure who this cassius was to her but I knew they weren't on very good terms. I zoomed forwards at Michel and grabbed him by the head and slammed it on the nearby wall. I dropped down "you aren't Michel" I said and started punching the asshole repeatedly. my knee connected with his abdomen and my fists flew at his face. "tell" punch "me" punch "how" punch "to fix" punch "this punch. divine energy erupted at me fists, a silver aura. light energy activated too the silver and gold laced together as I released it mercilessly.
I under cutted at his jaw and buried my nails in his neck and ripped. blood poured everywhere from the gaping hole just below his chin. I didn't give him time to react before I slammed my hand up the hole and grabbed at who knows what and tore it out of his body. I slammed my bloodied arm into his neck. he gasped eyes widened I grabbed at his eye and tore it out of his skull. was it nessicery, no. but he killed kyle. he screamed in agony as blood spurred everywhere, on me, on the floor.
when I stepped back to look at my work I saw a heap on the ground coughing up blood with no eye. my whole body was covered in blood. I looked behind me lucifer's eyes where locked on me. I try to calm myself but couldn't, I saw students peaking in traumatized looks on there faces. I stumbled forwards and backwards and finally fell back. my eyes fell closed.
a/n while I was writing the chandelier scene I was listening to the song chandelier by Sia! ha ha ha

The Aries
Fantasyin a city with drug lords and gangs, Zoe Kingsley works with the APD to kill all criminals. her, a demon, a shape shifter, and a wizard, are hired to handle cases the APD can't handle, most of these cases involve lost spirits, demons from hell who c...