my eyes focus in, im laying on a cot with a light sheet. I shot up and looked around, I was in some sort of makeshift infirmary. "hello?" I asked sensing a presence, "hello" a girl walks in she has straight light pink hair. "my name is jenifer, you are in titan." she said I sighed in relief "what about zoe is she ok?" I asked rubbing my head. "she's fine, what happened all I heard was that Michel attacked Pandora?" she asked siting down on the cot. "its a long story" I said "can I see zoe?" I asked next,
"course you can. zoe your boyfriends up" Jennifer called with a small pull of her lips. "we're not dating how many times do I have to tell you that before you finally believe me!" an angry rant came from behind the curtain. the source of it strolled it I chuckled with a small smile, "oh hey luci" she giggled. I shook my head, her bangs fell softly into her face. her straightish hair was neat showing she showered. "so you finally decided to wake up" she said with a small smirk tossing dark brown behind her shoulder. "your a very loud sleeper" she pointed out emphasizing the word loud.
I was wondering where the mess from... yesterday? was. "shut up" I said "hey babe" I added winking at Jennifer whose face glowed deep red. "if you murder zoe maybe we can have some fun if you know what I mean" I said with a seductive smile. her face was so red I almost mistaken it for a tomato "Lucifer shut your face, I was wondering when that was goona happen, I warned jenny to not wear anything revealing..."
"aww why not babe #2" zoe didn't even react, except for an eyeroll. "why couldn't you of just drowned?" zoe asked shaking her head. i decided to tease her "because, princess, i wouldn't be here to torture you" i said evilly. "well your right about one thing, dumbass, you are torturing me" i said. "aww, doll your so boring, what if i spice you up a bit" i said ine eyelid falling closed in a wink. "in your dreams asshole" she grumbled. "one day, dove you'll come begging for me" i said, i took note of jenny's disapperence. "you wish" i was hit on the top of the head relatively hard.
"actually i do, now i just need a contractor..." at that i earned another slap on my head, "ha ha ha your so funny" she said sarcastically. "i know sexy and weeew do i like this view" when she noticed the fact she was leaning over me and i could see directly down her shirt she jumped back "f-fucking perv!" she squealed. "gotcha ma chere" i said (my darling). "n-no you didn't! what are you talking about!" she sent me a hard glare. "mmm amour bug éblouissement al vous voulez, vous savez que vous le voulez" i hummed (love bug glare all you want you know you want it)
"eww, will you quit it with the friggin nicknames before i slam your head into a wall, fuckin demon" she grumbled crossing her arms. "ok angel" i said more of a nickname, "Ok you shut up" she said and scoffed "demons" i rolled my eyes. "angels" i mocked her "s-shut up fuckboy!" she said covering her face with her hair. "oh so you want me to-" "i said shut up!" she yelled, i bursted out in laughter unable to hold back any longer. i nearly died there on that cot.
"admit it, love" i said with a somewhat seductive look. "hell no! i hate you!" she said, "you just said you wouldn't say it, so your thinking t huh, my love" next thing i knew she had ran out of the room with audible scream. i broke out in laughter doubling over, it almost hurt.
zoe pov~~~~
"jen! jenny! jen! jenny!" i screamed cycling through the nicknames until i found her sitting on a desk. "oh hello, did you two finish intercourse that fast" she said. "not you to!" i screamed shaking her shoulders. "im kidding" she said with a small smile.
"he is a charming boy" she said clearing her throat at 'charming'. "charming!" i scoffed and shook my head "ha ha ha very funny! hes a fucking manwhore who-" "saved your life" jenny cut me off and said. i stopped mid sentence and felt kind of bad. "right..." i said grabbing my left arm with my right hand. "damnit!" i cursed my rudeness. he just found out i was an angel, kyle died, and i almost died. "oh my god what have i done?" i said putting my face in my hands. "but he- he started it"
jenny laughed. "he was doing that as if to say he didn't want things to change between the two of you just because of all that's happened" she said. i felt sort of stupid, "but the question is do you?" she asked smirking slightly. "n-no..." i said biting my lip, "then tell him that, it may be awkward but ya know sometimes awkwardness is a good thing" she said the smirk drawing into a soft smile. "f-fine..." i trailed off and wrapped my arms around jenny "thank you" i whispered softly. "no problem zoe, just don't try to jump over any more bridges ok?"
i nodded with a chuckle. i then let her go and fidgeted slightly. "go get him girl!" jenny said slightly out of character. "yeah..." i started walking towards the door. down the halls, around the corner, up the steps, and to the door labeled infirmary in big red letters. i grabbed the door hands. ok zoe just open the door i thought, time to make a how to open a door manual. 1) wrap your hand around the door knob, handle etc. 2) turn it slightly 3) apply pressure to the door until it opens. door manuals by zoe kingsley, in stores Friday. i finally opened the door...
a/n ha cliffy until tomorrow readers!

The Aries
Fantasyin a city with drug lords and gangs, Zoe Kingsley works with the APD to kill all criminals. her, a demon, a shape shifter, and a wizard, are hired to handle cases the APD can't handle, most of these cases involve lost spirits, demons from hell who c...