"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING ME INTO LUCIFER" i screamed as he tossed me the school uniform. "THIS SKIRT IS TOO SHORT! THE V NECK IS TO LOW! THIGH HIGHS, IM NOT SOME WHORE!" and a few other complaints where spewing from my mouth like fire. "relax zoe its only temporary the only way i could get you to go to school was if i told you there was a lead" Lucifer said "plus its connected to Michel, one of the guys who we found dead went to this school" Lucifer said. i scoffed and huffed a 'fine'i stripped and changed. i cant explain my hatred, a plaid skimpy little skirt with a short sleeve button up shirt and a plaid tie, and of course the black thigh highs with white high heels . the thigh highs where itchy, the skirt kept blowing up in the wind, the shirt was rubbing painfully on my neck and the shoes hurt my feet. "can you not look so grouchy, i mean don't you miss school?" Lucifer asked, "of course not its annoying and un-needed" i said seeing kids file into the building. i looked at annalese she was noticeably enjoying her outfit, picking at the skirt pleasantly.
chastity on the other hand was holding the ends of her skirt and looking around like a hawk, four mini Lucifer copies. kids where whispering, looking at me, and then whispering again. i could almost hear the "that's zoe kingsley... didn't she like kill someone" note the accent. "wow zoe your popular and you haven't even entered the school yet" Lucifer said with a grin as a few girls starred him down. i rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. right when we entered the building it was like we where the only people getting starred at. all the cliques where grouped together.
we went to the office and got our "schedules" i guess Lucifer did something because the 4 of us ended up in all the same classes, also our lockers where all right next to one anothers. once we heard the bell we walked to class. i was observing the puny humans and walking next to chastity. "this is hell" i said, "i agree, i went to one year of kindergarden but that's it" chastity said. once we entered the door the atmosphere changed because i saw someone i recognized. "Amanda" i said she sat at the desk nearest to the door.
"zoe!" she said, this is the fairy i was talking about, who can sense evil. "hey" i said with a smile, "wait why are you in school?" she asked. "ask Lucifer" i said the teacher spotted the 4 of us and offered a smile "class it looks like we have a few new kids, would you four like to come up here and introduce yourselves" she didn't even ask it as a question. Lucifer had to drag me along as i fought to get to the door, i figured i could make a run for it.
next thing i knew it peole where starring at me and whispering again. "say your name and tell us something about you" the teacher said. what are we in 1rst grade? "hi my name is annaleese, and i like killing people' she said with a creepy 'don't go near me or else i will bite your head off' smile. everyone was now starring at her wide eyes. "m-my name is ch-chastity i uh- i- I'm scared" i nearly laughed good job chastity playing the shy one. "oh its ok sweaty" the teacher said, "hi my names Lucifer" Lucifer said and blew a kiss with a wink "and thats enough said"
my turn i sighed and rolled my eyes "hi my name is zoe kingsley, and i work for the APD" yes little children be scared! i sat down next to chastity. "you didn't have to be that forward" chastity whispered. "yeah well they already know I'm a murderer notice everyone is starring at me" i whispered back. i leaned on my chest and barely listened while the teacher was talking, i went through doodling on a piece of paper and drawing on my hand.
by the time class was over i had doodles on my papers and my hands where covered in red ink. next i knew we had language arts, i also new i would have to give a big damned speech about my life considering language arts teachers almost always suck. right when me and chastity entered kids looked at us, some i recognized from science. i fiddled around with the soul stone in my hand. "whats that?" i looked behind me. a girl stood there pointing at my hand "why do you have a soul stone?" she asked.
"because" i said and walked away sitting next to chastity again. the language arts tacher was a stubby women with grey hair and sharp grey eyes. "just pay attention and you'll figure it out" she said to the new kids including me, chastity, annaleese, and Lucifer. chastity was leaning her head on her desk. her hand laid flat and something hovered over it, whips of air flew around it causing it to spin. "what is that?" i asked. "its my sisters" she whispered back, i nodded my head and watched the stone spin around. "what is that!" the teacher hollered, all eyes locked on chastity who let the stone drop. "why do you have something like that in class!" the women screamed. i rolled my eyes "it's non of your business"
you think i care if i get trouble ha ha ha funny. the teacher sent me a glare and wrote something, she pulled out a yellow sheet of paper, slapping it on my desk. i looked at it and arched an eye brow at her, "detention" i chuckled and picked the paper up "right, you know who you are talking to right?" i asked, "no i don't who am i talking to" i stood up from my seat, grabbed my badge from my pocket. "zoe kingsley APD SOP department, "
the women, and the whole class where starring at me. i sat the badge on my desk "just so no one forgets" i said with a grin. after that class ended with a ring of a bell. Lucifer was screaming at me "you realize you just blew our cover" i grinned "that's the point, whoever is working for Michel will get scared and panic, so now at lunch we just look around, chastity can read all there minds and we find our person" i said leisurely. Lucifer smirked "smart" he said, chastity arched an eye brow "not bad..." annaleese grinned "i'll be able to kil someone!" she said way to loudly. i nodded my head. actually this might be fun.

The Aries
Фэнтезиin a city with drug lords and gangs, Zoe Kingsley works with the APD to kill all criminals. her, a demon, a shape shifter, and a wizard, are hired to handle cases the APD can't handle, most of these cases involve lost spirits, demons from hell who c...