i felt the hand drag me upwards but my body wouldn't move. that is until felt air hit my face. my breathing was ragged, the thing was, no one was around. i searched around, a mermaid? no, they're evil. i had finally come to terms with the fact no one was there. i started swimming like a frog toward land. the current wasn't bad up here, it slowly got weaker as i reached land. when i did i kneeled on it and cough spitting out salt water. my wet hair fell in my face, a mixture of blood and water was coming up my throat.
i rolled over onto my back, my chest rose and fell softly. i starred at the sky until the power in my limbs had come back, then i staggered up. i started walking while wringing out my hair. a big werehouse sat there. i bit my lip and approached it, my converse where soaked. i reached the werehouse and opened the big door. this place was nice, it was cute, people looked nice huddled up by the fire. all eyes traveled to me and i spotted the little girl i was supposed to kill. "Zoe kingsley" the little girl rose from her seat.
ok lets just make this quick so i can get my info. i drew a dagger from my holster "get her a new pair of cloths, we saw your fall, please allow us to help you" she said. i plunged the dagger back into its holster. "thank you, whats your name?" i asked. "im jennefer, please call me jenny" she said with a mature smile. i think this little girl is more mature then i am! a nice looking old women came to us holding a pile of cloths. "there are showers upstairs, we'll talk when you are done" she said.
i nodded my thanks and took the cloths. i walked up the stairs and saw a sign that said showers. i walked over to it and entered. there where showers lined up a curtain in between the two sides. one side had a sign that said boys the other was labeled girls. i went to the girls side obviously, i pulled the curtain and turned o the water as hot as it could get ebing i was drenched in freezing water. i stripped quickly, placing my cloths out side with the new dry cloths.
what am i going to do!? i thought moving my fingers through my hair i felt the warm water trickle down my body. i cant kill her now! shes so nice! but if i don't then there goes my info, right out the window. i scrubbed my hair with shampoo aand washed it out trying not to get shampoo in my eyes. i combed it with a brush and lathered conditioner on. my hair came out smooth, now time for my body. i looked down, i had many cuts on my arms and stomach, from the concrete, i figured and washed them out.
when i was done i turned the knob and wrapped myself in the towel, drying off. once i was reasonably dry i pulled on the underwear and bra they had provided, it was an all-fitting sports bra. i pulled on the leggings and a black tank top with a black sweatshirt. my hair was damp and slightly stringing, i licked my lips and headed out of the shower room walking into the warm room. i walked down the steps and all eyes fell on me again "welcome zoe, how was your shower?" jenny asked. "good thank you" i said.
"you seem troubled here sit down" she said and patted a spot next to her. "so why where you crossing the bridge anyway, i have people recovering your motorcycle, would you like anything to drink, eat, we don't have much but we have milk, water..." she trailed off. "n-no its fien, thank you for the offer though" i said. "we haven't had anyone here in ages" she said and leaned back on the couch. "everyone thinks we're the 'bad guys' but really we just want to live" i took note of how everyone was dressed down, unlike at Pandora. "listen" i said.
"i was sent here by Pandora to kill you" i said and gave her time to digest that. "really?" she didn't move over she just kept her eyes locked on the ceiling. i could slide the dagger across her neck... no "yes, have you ever heard of Michel Ores?" i asked looking at her. "yes. we took his side in thinking that if we won then we'd be able to have resources in the city. i knew he wouldn't fufill his promise but i just didn't want to admit it to myself. why? i heard he has returned" she asked curiously.
"well. i think if i can get Pandora to spill it, i can get a lead on where he is and what he's doing, they made a deal with me, i have to kill you and then i get information. but don't want to kill you, so i think we can work something out" i said and looked around. "yes i think we can too" she said leaning up. "i have an idea, you guys are not strong, i know you know that. i need you to back off, im going to kill Michel and then you guys can come back and have all the resources you need. for now stay in the shadows, leave some men behind but not all. just you, i need you to be dead until the APD contacts you. specifically me, do not listen if its anyone other then me"
"ok. i think that could work" jenny sighed and her eyes fell closed. "thank you" she said "you might be saving us" i grinned "no problem. but thank you for helping me get this info i promise i will kil Michel asap so you can return. and if Pandora decides to attck us or you we both have to reinforce each other" i said. "deal" we shook hands.

The Aries
Fantasyin a city with drug lords and gangs, Zoe Kingsley works with the APD to kill all criminals. her, a demon, a shape shifter, and a wizard, are hired to handle cases the APD can't handle, most of these cases involve lost spirits, demons from hell who c...