we soon left there with zoe alive but asleep. my blood helped her. since she didn't have a house or whatever she is staying with me, since Lucifer will probably rape her, and leon is too young (where does that kid live anyways?!). i got to ride her motorcycle back, shes goona be very angry at me for riding her "baby" but we cant just leave it there! "ky..." i turned to look behind me. her eyes where open just barely, "hey zoe" i said with a small smile. "y...your covered in blood" she said. i bit the side of my mouth."what happened to the guy did we get any info on Michel?" she asked quietly. i shook my head "i killed him" i said simply seeing my condo in the distance. "you killed someone?" she asked head lifting off of my shoulder, "yeah" and it was the best moment in my life. of course i didn't say that, "sorry i couldn't handle him" she said drowsily. "its fine, Lucifer did that for you" i said gentely. zoe's eyelids fell closed again "i saw Maggie" she breathed. i stopped in front of the condo and parked the motorcycle. i climbed off and picked zoe up at ease, she was surprisingly light.
i opened the door with a little struggle, i staggered down the hallway and to the guest room. the bed was made neatly and i laid her down in it, pulling the covers up "will you be ok without me?" she asked quietly never opening her eyelids. i nodded "we'll be fine, just rest for now" i said and headed for the door. my wrist was grabbed, i looked back, i had only seen zoe kingsley like this one other time and that was when Michel betrayed her. i was her friends then and nothing more.
she looked week. the pull on my wrist was weak "you really should get a shower" she said and cracked a smile. i nodded in agreement and headed for the bathroom in the corner of the room. I peeked back at Zoe whose eyes had fallen shut. I yawned slightly and took a hot shower when I got out zoe was sound asleep. I walke dout of the guest bedroom and shut the door, leaving a crack open. I walked down the hallway to my own bed and opened the door. I relaxed onto my bed and shut my eyes.
-------------------------------------------the following morning -----------------------------------------------------------
I finally wake up to my phone buzzing. I sat up and grabbed it, there where messages with the label unknown. I read the messages eyes narrowing, they read "turn on AC 10" in about 50 different languages, I only recognized german, French, sweedish, Spanish, Danish, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Pashto, greek, fillipino, and dutch. I scamper to the end of my bed and grabbed the remote and clicked it on. it was already on AC 10, the screen was fuzzing into clear. it cleared into a building with four children standing on top.
"four children will die each day zoe kingsley survives" a voice said behind the camera. I watched the children jump from the building. "what the hell..." I jumped up from the bed and went to my closte changing quickly. I ran over to zoe's room and threw the door open. she was still asleep, I sighed in relief and searched for her phone. it sat on the dresser, I grabbed it and clicked it on the same messages I received she did. I pocketed the cell phone and ran out of the room.
I ran down the hallway and out the front door. I grabbed zoes bike and jumped onto it. i ignored the helmet throwing it to the side. i flicked the button to turn on sirens conveniently attacked to the front. my hair whipped threw the wind as i searched for where th bodies where pushed off. it was easy to locate because of the crowds and all the sirens. i slid off the bike and pushed threw the crowds, i spotted Lucifer first and ducked under the caution tape. "hey guys" i said, leon was starring at the bodies.
"you heard what that guy said..." i said. "yeah but we aren't killing zoe" Lucifer said looking at the X's painted on the childrens foreheads. "kill zoe kingsley! kill zoe kingsley!" people chanted from the streets. i was sure zoe would hear that. "shut up!" leon said loudly, loud enough that all eyes where put on him. "do we really want to kill someone! if we do we are no better then these criminals! our main goal shouldn't be doing what they want us to do, but figure out who they are and end them!" leon screamed. everyone starred at him in shock, all cameras from the news stations where recording him.
i didn't even expect that. leon, a 10 year old saying something like that, well tats our leon. news anchors breached the tape and where rushing at leon, microphones held to him. questions where being spit. "i- i um-" i heard leon stuttering and wiping tears from his eyes. "hes 10, we really should get him outta there" i said to Lucifer. "yeah" Lucifer said in agreement he still was shocked, i couldn't tell whether it was from the zoe thing or leon giving a speech. Lucifer charged into the sea of reporters.
he came out bursting into flight. i nearly hit my face with my palm, well i guess that is normal in this town huh. he was headed for my house i figured watching him. but guess who the reporters where bombarding next. me. "kyle, you work with zoe kingsley, how do you react to this new threat?" one reporter asked. "its simple. we don't kill zoe and we do kill Michel ores who has returned to this city" i said. i didn't bother answering any further questions so i teleported to my house. sometimes i forget i could do that! i was right seeing as Lucifer was on my porch holding leon. a dent was in my porch showing he had a somewhat heavy landing.
"the doors open" i said pushing it open. once we where inside Lucifer placed leon down "well that was interesting" i said looking at leon who was blushing slightly. "sorry for causing so much trouble" he said quietly grabbing his arm with his hand. "it wasn't really trouble, it was just crazy reporters" i said. "i have no doubt zoe heard people chanting her name" i said and headed upstairs to the guest room. i opened the door and peeked in.
zoe sat up in bed eyes glued to the tv. "zoe, are you ok?" i asked, she nodded "what happened?" she asked next. i took a seat next to her resting my head on the headboard "Michel made a move, he killed 4 children saying he wanted you dead. he said the killings would continue until that happens" i explained. "oh and im guessing from what leon said you guys stopped a riot from storming the house and trying to murder me?" speaking of leon the little kid was running into the bed room. he jumped onto zoe hugging her.
"hey leon" she said. leon grinned and rubbed his head on her shoulder. "i saw what you did on tv" she said wth a proud smile. "yep!" he said, "thanks, little leon" she said tickling him all over as he broke down in laugher. i fell from the bed in a frail attempt to keep from being kicked in the face by flying feet. i leaned on the carpet smiling, when i first met leon he was so young and scared of almost everything, now he was giving a speech that might have saved zoe's life.

The Aries
Fantasíain a city with drug lords and gangs, Zoe Kingsley works with the APD to kill all criminals. her, a demon, a shape shifter, and a wizard, are hired to handle cases the APD can't handle, most of these cases involve lost spirits, demons from hell who c...