I brushed my black dress down with my palms and looked at the gravestone again. "you ok?" Lucifer asked. I nodded my head "he didn't deserve to die that way" I said shaking my head, I couldn't bare look him in the casket with white flowers shrouded him. I sniffled and finally decided to look up, he was in a tux, body pale. His eyelids where shut never to open again, I couldn't cry or do anything except look at him. Lucifer took my hand in his intertwining our fingers.
"Why would he want you to know I as angel? I mean he could see the future, what would've happend had you not known?" I asked quietly. "I dunno but he did" lucifer said we watched the casket close. And slowly he was dropped down into the darkness, men started shoveling dirt in as the priest sang a song. I looked at the watch dangling loosely from my hand. it was a small pocket watch with a snake symbol on it, the snake was surrounding a diamond shape. mavis gave it to me before we left saying "this could be useful".
I bit my lip softly. "Lucifer I need help with something" I said quietly, "something?" Lucifer said side glancing me. "I want to find out who killed michels parents" I said looking down at the pocketwatch again "I think this has something to do with Michel it could give us a clue to why he went insane like he did" I said. I tossed the pocket watch and Lucifer caught it in his hand, giving it a scan. "I feel like I've seen this before..." Lucifer murmured flipping it in his gloved hand. "that helps, where?" I asked, Lucifer shook his head."michels old house" he said. my vision snapped over, "we need to go" I said urgently. I grabbed his wrist and ran "what are you doing that was kyles funeral!" Lucifer yelled to me. "we'll come back later, ok" I said I unzipped my dress and let it fall. underneath I wore a simple black strapeless tank top with leggings. "someone came prepared" Lucifer murmured examining me and taking off his black blazer he unbuttoned each button until he could take the dress shirt off. the firmiliar tattoo of wings was on his back. they soon disappeared taking shape of large black wings.
feathers flew everywhere one landed in my hand, it was soft I dropped it and it fluttered to the ground. once my wings expanded over my shoulders white feathers danced in the air with the flurry of black feathers. we kind of just stood there. soon I decided to launch myself into the air, my wings caught air quickly I smiled slightly and spiraled in the air. I hadn't flown in a pretty long time, well not like this, i had forgotten how free it felt. I had almost forgotten the real reason I was up in the air. Lucifer had a small smile,
I watched the ground zoom by, the buildings with graveled roves and smoke rose in the air. I chewed on my lip seeing the house closing in. it arrived faster then I would've liked and I touched down softly, wings disappearing. Lucifer landed next to me. "I never thought I'd be back here, willingly at least" I said looking at the house. "yeah" Lucifer said in agreement, I walked up the, still creaky porch. I neve rlooked away from Lucifer, I couldn't look anywhere else or else I would see something I really did not want to see.
I pushed open the door and chanced a look up. the knife still sat there on the floor, my blood still was dried up near the door frame. I shook my head Lucifer grabbed my hand in his, "you where searching the ground level right" I said my voice broke. "yeah" Lucifer said quietly, "do you remember where you saw the symbol?" I asked. "a little it was on a desk" he said, a study I thought as we traveled through the house. "here!" Lucifer said stopping at a closed door. "in here" he said.
"do you want to open it?" I asked. "fine" Lucifer sighed and put his palm on the door, "here we go he said and sucked in a breathe applying pressure until the door fell open with a loud scream. I looked around, searching trhough the darkness "there's a light somewhere around here" Lucifer said and he felt the wall. a light flickered on and it was a study. papers where everywhere. Lucifer started looking everywhere. I walked to the desk and shook dust off of some papers. it was just work stuff, "I don't know why I moved the bookshelf" Lucifer said and started to push the bookshelf to the side.
the symbol was on the wall written in red. it looked like blood, it was my turn to take a sharp intake of breathe. I pressed my hand to the wall "michels dad is connected somehow, so his killer must also be" I said. "yeah... should we go into the basement..." Lucifer asked looking back. I gulped and licked my all of sudden dry lips, I latched onto my lip. "you bite your lip when your nervous or anxious" Lucifer pointed out. "I know" I said chewing my lip up, "we need to find this out" Lucifer said.
I frowned and nodded "I just don't want to see what could cause my old best friend so much pain" I said eyes falling closed. "ill be with you the whole time, if anything happens we just get out of here" Lucifer said softly. I pressed my hand to my forhead all of a sudden feeling a headache "zoe are you ok?" Lucifer asked. I shook my head "mommy!" I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head wildly repeating "no" over and over. next thing I knew Lucifer had his arms wrapped around me. he was whispering "its ok, zoe" over and over.

The Aries
Fantasyin a city with drug lords and gangs, Zoe Kingsley works with the APD to kill all criminals. her, a demon, a shape shifter, and a wizard, are hired to handle cases the APD can't handle, most of these cases involve lost spirits, demons from hell who c...