Conflicting Black Prt 4

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Have you ever being so shocked before that you didn't even realise your mouth was moving without you knowing?

Well that's exactly what happen to me, when words suddenly started following out without my consent.

" This must be some kind of sick joke, it isn't funny at all!" I yelled.

Still in shock I turned to Tiffany at the front of the class the only person I think would go to lengthens to do something like this. I started laughing like a mad person.

"You planned this didn't you!!!???"I yelled at her.

She only started at me like I was crazy and I think that I really am.

Seeing movement out of the corner of my eye I saw that it was Mr Stun who looked like he was in shock as well, was now walking towards me with an angry look an his oily face. I was too distracted with the event that was happening at the moment to remember that he was still in the class.

Realizing my mistake I grabbed my books ignoring the teachers shuts and my classmates Snickers and dashed towards the class room exit hurrying pass the new student that had just entered.

As I passed him I saw him looking strangely at me, but I was too absorbed with my own embarrassment and what will happen if Mr Stun catches me.

I push the door open and ran in the direction of the schools library where I spend most of my days, hurrying inside I found a empty corner and plant myself on a chair.

The realization of what had just happen started to set in and I started to shake with fare. Scenarios of what my father would do when he hears about this and the punishment that the principle will give me, had me wanting to disappear.

Why would something like this happen now? Frost Worth hardly ever has anyone moving here, much less someone with skin as dark as mine, so why would this be happening now.

I'm a 100% sure that the boy I saw today just moved here, Frost Worth is really small so everyone knows everybody and I'm sure I would of heard of him. I wonder where he lives. Is he going to be picked on just like me? Well I wont stand for it, even though I usually don't defend myself I cant let an innocent face all that I have at the hands of theses ruthless people.

But even if I try to defend him I'm sure he'll think I'm crazy after the stunt I pulled today, and on our first meet at that.

God! Why do I always mess things up and make it harder for myself!!??? Why! Groaning I lay my head on the cool oak table and took a deep breath inhaling the fresh sent of wood through my nose.

My head shot up as I heard the movement of feet coming towards where I'm sitting, I hurriedly look around for somewhere to hide. I don't know if it's Mr Stun or even my dad, I grimaced at the last thought. Seeing no way to escape I dropped to my knees and crawled under the table as soon as I heard the feet come to a halt.

I saw feet the we're in Snickers come into my line of vision then Jean covered legs, as my eyes traveled up I saw the most warmest set of brown eyes staring right back at me and when the face registered in my head I realised that it was the new kid from my class.

He followed me! I stared at him wide eyed.

"Sh*t!" I cursed.

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