Conflicting Black Prt 10

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He didn't follow me.

When I left Austin outside the school doors I expected him to come running after me and saying something, but he didn't. I think the situation is starting to present itself to him and he understands where I'm coming from. He sees that their is no way to save me in this type of environment, it's absolutely pointless.

I appreciate the gesture and that he tries to care but for how long will he be able to keep up that facade? He'll eventually get tired of noticing the outcast and I won't be of interest anymore, it'll be me all alone like it usually was all this time. So what better way than to avoid the pain that will come with trying to trust someone, being their friend or their interest as Austin puts it then it all just disappears into thin air when my company becomes too much of a burden.

I don't want to take that chance and have to live with the consequences like the cr@p load that I have bottled up inside, I'd rather be alone it's better and much more safer that way.


The rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance as rain clouds start to form in the sky. The streets were getting empty due to the signs of rain, quickening my steps to try and beat the rain before it starts to pour, I took the short cut through the local park that leads to the street near my house.

A hunched over figure s few feet from the park entrance caught my attention in the distance and it encouraged me to move faster to get out of here I wouldn't want to be when the person notices me, it will only cause problems form myself.

The person sprang to their feet once I got close enough to the entrance which they were a few meters from and started to rub their face aggressively while brushing dirt off their clothes. Panic started to set in and I was contemplating whether or not I should turn back the way I came, My ribs still feel sore and I can't handle a another insult that might turn on into a brawl.

A hand suddenly griped my upper arm and I was brought out of my thoughts when I realised that the figure of the person I had seen was now right behind me and holding my arm, panicking I just swung my arm back on a whim going for a surprise attack that might give me a head start so I can run away. I was filled with glee when my hand hit home base and I heard the person let out a grunt of pain and the grip they had on my arm loosened.

Taking that as my chance I ran for the exit only to be tackled to the ground and have a heavy weight land on top of me. 'No,no,no,noooooo!' I started chanting in my head to myself this cannot happen I won't allow it, I started to struggle as the person got a hold of my arms trying to stop my feeble attempts at fighting back.

"RIVER! RIVER! Its me Austin, calm down!" I heard a familiar voice break through my panicked filled mind.

"A-Austin!?" I questioned cautiously.

"Yes it's me, I'm not going to hurt you okay? I'm going to let go of your hands now and get off of you, okay?" Nodding my head okay I felt the grip on my arms disappeared and the weight leave my body, sighing in relief I sat up and looked around the park to see if anyone saw that because it was quite embarrassing and it wouldn't be so great if it got video taped, I was relieved to see that it was empty.

After my panic subside anger started to set in and I just blew up in his face.

"Are you mental! Don't you know that only freaks or possible murders attack people like that! Your such an idiot!" I screamed at him.

"Look I'm sorry and I just wanted to apologise for today but I saw you leaving and I just panicked when you started to run away from me. Look can we talk somewhere else?" he said hanging his head.

I felt something wet land on my cheek and looked up to see that the rain had already started, getting up I brushed the dirt off of me and nod in his direction for him to follow me.

As we exit through the park entrance the rain came pouring down in buckets and I had to pick up my pace and soon we were running like fools through the weather.

Looks like I'm gonna have to bring him to my house. I just hope my dad isn't there that would be quite troublesome and the house isn't in an as awful condition as I left it this morning. I grimaced at that thought as we ran like freaks in the rain.


Thank you for reading.

I was writing this chapter and I just realised something, it's the first time I have every used the main characters name -covers mouth with hand- it was a total shocker. I mean I was writing all this time and I haven't realised it. I'm such and awful writer.
Well anyways stuff happens I hope your enjoying this story so let me know how you feel by voting, commenting, and sharing.

Until next time. Bye!

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