Conflicting Black Prt 9

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The hard plains of the floor bore through my exposed flesh as I lay immobile on the dirty wooden floor, the light from the open drapes shone in my eyes and had me momentarily blind as I tried to blink away the black dots clouding my vision as I come to.

I guess I slept on the living room floor last night after I passed out, it wouldn't be a first for me but it's still uncomfortable. As I tried to sit up I felt pain spread through my ribs and it had me laying back down on the floor and groaning at the amount of pain I was feeling in that area of my body. I guess I had a few bruised ribs I'd have to treat it so the soreness can go away wouldn't want to be walking around with possibly broken bones now would I.

Footsteps started to head in my direction and I quickly dragged my self out of the middle of the living room so that I wouldn't be in my dads way when he wants to pass and then I'd have to be worrying about more than just a few bruised ribs. As I settled in the corner of the room trying to catch my breath from the amount of struggle I just went through just to move myself across the room, I heard the steps came to a halt in the living room entrance that connected the living room and the kitchen. I looked up from my spot on the floor to see my dad looking around the room then his eyes finally land on me and I just wish I could disappear into the floor beneath me because the look I was getting was enough to kill anyone, it was full of disgust and hatred and it had me whimpering without words even leaving his lip.

They always say that actions speak louder than words and this right now has proven said point with just the look in his eyes and the scold on his face he didn't even have to say anything and I knew what he was saying to me his eyes were just reminding me how much of a disappointment I was to him and that I should just disappear,all that was been said without the use of words, but I was use to reading into his expressions over the years to read them loud and clear.

"What are you still doing on my floor!? Don't you have school. Get your ungrateful ass up and get moving I don't waste my money sending a pathetic piece of sh*t like yourself to school to have you not go!"

I hurriedly scrambled to my feet and tried to ignore the pain I was feeling. I wanted to shout that his money wasn't enough to send me to school much less buy food but I kept my mouth shut and stiffly nodded my head because if i didn't answer him he'd think I was been disrespectful and I didn't want to be a punching bag s early in the morning I head towards the stairs and painfully climb the steps one at a time until I reach my safe heaven my room, and hurriedly close the door behind me. I braced my body against the door and slid down the cool wood of the door and sat on the floor. The pain in my chest finally overwhelming me.

Sighing I got up and looked at my chest in the mirror to see it's shades darker than my actual skin color and winced at the sight I got some ointment out of my dresser draw and applied it then changed my clothes and head out because the time was getting late and I don't want to make my dad even more angry than he already is. As I closed my front door and started to make my way down the street to head towards school I saw out of the corner of my eye a figure of a black car pull up to the side of the road beside me, I glanced in it's direction and saw the windows slid down to reveal the face of my weirdo stalker otherwise known as Austin Moore.

"Need a ride? Your looking kind of under the weather, are you okay?" He asked timidly. Not in the mood to argue and still feeling pain I said a quite yes and walked around to the passenger side where he open the door and I got in, I was still scared about his supposedly driving skills and the fact that he didn't have a licence but I was too worn out to complain and instead I just sat quietly while he drove at a humanly accepted speed for once towards the hell hole I call school.

As he parked in one of the empty car spaces in the school lot I hurriedly got out and started to make my way towards the school entrance when I heard the sound of his foot steps catching up to me. "Are you okay?" He asked gently. Too worked up I didn't give him a reply and kept on walking, just as I put my hands on the school doors to push them open his hand shot out and stopped me with a touch on my shoulder And spin me around to face him. "Whats the matter with you! I know you don't like me but I'm just trying to help you out here" he said angrily. I snap my eyes in his direction and shook his hand off me which caused pain to shoot through my ribs but I ignored it.

"You can't help me! You have no power in this place, you should just go back to where ever it is that you came from cause this -I pointed around me furiously- is not somewhere were people like you and me belong!" And with that pushed the doors open and stomped off inside the building.

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