Conflicting Black Prt 18

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He looked nervous like someone found out about his biggest secret. Staring at me with the largest pair of eyes I was baffled. What's wrong with him why is he acting this way over a book?

"So are you going to tell me?" I enquired. He just looked as stiff as a board not uttering a word.

"Austin?" I called again trying to get a reaction out him but he just stated at me without giving a response as before.

I can't comprehend what's happening. Why would he get so tense over a book? I'm just curious seeing as my name was written in it.

My eyes were trained on him trying to get a reaction out of him. He drop his head facing the ground not looking into my eyes. Sensing my stare he grip the book tighter to his chest. His action were that of a scared child or something, he is acting like the world was about to end if he showed anyone that book.

This is so unlike the loud mouth and confident stalker that I once knew.

Oh! An idea pop into my head.

Maybe it's his diary? I mean girls usually have diaries but I think boys might even have them too. Maybe he's insecure and thinks that I might make fun of him or tell persons that he has a diary, but who could I possible tell? I have no friends but him and I care about him too much to actually hurt him like that so I wouldn't dare break his trust by mocking him or ruining his image by telling people that he has a diary.

"If it's your diary I won't tell anyone if that's what your so worried about" I tried again once more.

He raise his head to look at me again, at first he stared at me in confusing then realization of what I just said dawn on his face.

His shoulders sage in relief. Letting out a sigh he finally spoke.

"It's not a diary as you call it, it's a journal."

"Oh. So you wrote about me?" A small grin was placed on my face. A sense of happiness fell over me at the thought that some one actually wrote about me even though I'm not really sure if it's bad or good.

Desperate I know.

"Yeah sort of" he answered awkwardly.

Well then that's refreshing, sort of.

"Like what?" I was curious to know if it was good or bad.

"No" he snapped angrily. My eyes widened in fright. Seeing what he did he hurriedly corrected a himself.

"I-I mean... No... Its just that it's private...sorry"

"O-Oh... It's okay, I shouldn't have been so noisy..." I said disappointed. I know that it isn't right to pry but can you blame me for being curious?

A boy tells you that they write about you in their dia- I mean journal and you wouldn't be interested.

Seeing that it was getting awkward I decided that it was best we got back to work.

"Let's get this work down before it gets too late." I say while taking a seat on the comfortable couch.

"Yeah let's." He said while clearing his throat.

Taking a seat beside me he put back his black book into his school bag and grabbed the right book.

That was really awkward.

Not a bad way to visit my friends house for the first time yeah?


The most horrifying thing happened. My phone was format and I forgot to get net to back up my drafts and guess what? It all disappeared and I didn't know what to do, so I just sulked for a bit and started to write back over all that chapters that went missing, there slightly different obviously and it made me feel horrible.

But now that that's passed and gone. I finally got the chance to update. I won't be that stupid again,seriously, it was no ones fault but my own.

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