Conflicting Black Prt 13

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He grasped the closet handle and pulled the door open.

"No don't !" I shut and ran towards the closet and slammed the door shut right in my father's face almost getting his hand caught in it but he was quick to draw it back in time.

"What. Do. You. Think. Your. Doing?" He grit out while glaring daggers at me, making me realise what I had just done. The regret of what had transpired had me shaking in fare.

At that moment between those milliseconds when he was about to open the door my brain had just suddenly stop working stopped working and I just acted on impolse not realizing the depth of the outcome of my actions, now the situation I had placed myself in was more dire than how it had all started out. I was doomed and dad and I are both aware of it.

"I-I um have some v-very important stuff in it that I don't want anyone to see it's for um school, y-yes for school it's this er um p-project but if you see it it'll ruin my master pieces s-surprise!" Was what I rambled out.

I am such s horrible liar. That's was the best thing that my brain could have come up with, all, these hits must, seriously be damaging my brain cells. My dad only stared at me like I was growing a second head. Shaking his head he turned and walked through the door without so much as a second glance in my direction.

The thing with my dad is even if he's an asshole and abusive parent almost everyday of my life I can never bring a failing grade to him. It's like signing my own death wish, due to this lovely fact me dad has every teachers number and asks regular about my progress in school. It might be surprising and all but I'm actually the top of my school. But it's not really all that great it only makes them hate me more, yay me right?

Letting out a sigh as the door closes and I hear his foot steps disappearing down the hall I slumped to the floor and lean my head back against the cool boards of my closet.

The pushing on the door made me aware that Austin was trying to come out, moving back a bit to give him enough space to squeeze through he slipped out and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"What the hell just happened? Why would your dad be that way with you, this sh*t is insane" he whisper yelled. Shrugging his arms off my shoulder I turned my head away from his prying eyes that felt as if it was burning into my soul.

"Leave it be okay, this has nothing to do with you" I stated as a matter of fact to him so that he can get it into his big head that he can't help me, my problem is not one you just get up and be all like 'okay let's stop all your abuse that you have been going through all through out your life' , it doesn't work that way and he needs to understand that.

"No! You, can't just leave these things, we have to at least try. And that's exactly what we're going to do, I'm your friend now, you can trust me. We're in this together, remember that." And I did believe him .

If he thinks he can change it then who the hell am I to say otherwise.

"Okay" was all I could say as I relaxed and I melt into the floor.


There it is people the last chapter until September, it may not be much but I hope I'll do a better job next month when I continue so this is until next time, thanks for reading!

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