Conflicting Black Prt 8

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WARNING briefly descriptive violence scene and expect Austin's P.O.V. -Hehe-

At a time like this its just plain sad the relationship me and my dad have or the lack there of. Any sensible parent would have asked what happened at school even if they knew it was their kids fault but no my dad just went straight to the punishment or what he sees as punishment, a cr@p load of beating. Don't you just love my life. Note the sarcasm.

On reflex I brought my hands up to weaken the blow I'm about to receive and as the fist connects with my hands I stumbled back into the wall behind me by the force of the hit, pain shots through my hands and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"What were you thinking! Huh, do you enjoy making my life miserable?" My dad shuts angrily at me, I scoff because he's the one that always makes my life a living hell, so I don't see what his problem is I should be the one complaining, I'm in pain for goodness sakes.

I don't give him a reply and just stare at the ground because I know that if I open my mouth it'll be a lot worst for me. Because I was looking down I didn't see his fist until I felt it connect with my stomach and I fell to the floor coughing violently, I looked up from the dirt covered floor at him to see his face turning red with anger as he looked down at me with disgust. I saw him draw his foot back and before I knew what was happening I felt my body being kicked repeatedly with my dads combat boots without mercy.

"You-kick-disgraceful-kick-piece of sh*t!-kick-" he said between each kick that I revived all over my body.

Eventually after him continuing with his assault on me my body couldn't handle the pain and it started to become unbearable, you'd think by now I would get use to it but it seems no one can cope with this type of torture and I found myself falling into unconsciousness.


Austin's P.O.V

The car engines rumble died down as I parked my car in my reserved parking spot, letting out a sight of relief and stretching my limbs at finally reaching home felt amazing, compared to the day I had. Keeping an eye on a required target is not easy.

Stepping out of the car I heard my cell go of and saw that it was my manager calling. I wonder what he wants I'm not due a call until later down in the week.

"Moore talk to me." I said into the phone.

"Moore my boy how's that mission of yours going? I assume you've made progress?"

I groan in frustration, " Its harder than I thought I'll have to try harder"

"Hey listen, you said you wanted this job and I did all I could and got you it but now the dead line has been moved to a closer date so you gotta hurry it up if you want to make the next cut, I can't hold them off all the time, there is so much a guy like my self can do so you better start upping your game" my manager said. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration and let out a loud sight.

"Seriously Dave? We have a contract, they stay out of my business until I get the job done what's with all the pressure?"

"Its business my boy just try not to be late with this mission don't mess up like your last job" Then he cut the call.

"Sh*t!" I cursed. I have to do this can't have them an my ass again.

I walked through the parking lot towards the elevator and push the bottom for the top floor. On the way up a few people got on and moved to the far sode of the elevator to stayed as far away from me as possible I scoffed to myself d@mn racist people. The elevator ding and I got of on my floor and walked towards my studio like apartment taking out my keys I opened my apartment door and went straight towards my bed fully clothes. Taking out my journal I wrote down all that I notice about that girl today and started to write down some possible plots in my head.

Turning off the light I started to form a plan of how I'm going to get on that girls good side so I can carry out that mission of mine. I'm sure we'll be come great friends and I'll make sure of it. With that thought I drifted off to sleeping dreaming about a bright smile and light hazel eyes.

And that was another chapter. Thanks for reading and I hope you like. Dont forget to comment,vote and share.
Until next time...Lol... like who says that? Smh....

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