Conflicting Black Prt 6

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The school bell bellowed thought out the compound. This marks the end of another awful day of school and the start of chaos at home, I thought to myself. I can't take another day of abuse, and I'm sure this time will be the most awful experience of them all, seeing as I embarrassed myself, no what i meant was that i embarrassed my 'dad' at school of all places.

I rolled my eyes at the thought.

He already thinks of me as an embarrassment and thinks I'm useless, so this only adds the cherry on top. I'm totally dead. Brushing that thought aside for now I started packing up my stationary and headed towards the class room exit, trying to get away from the new kid who's name I learnt was Austin Moore.

Today was awful than any other day at West View High School, my stalker Austin the new kid, he has every class as me and has being making my school life more horrible than it already is, with his constant stalking. He even dared to come to my most sacred place to eat lunch with me and no matter how I told the freak to go away he wouldn't budge so I just took to ignoring him. When I finally go fed up i asked him why he was still stalking me he gave me the same response as always, that I 'interest' him. Like hell I care!

I hate my life,there is just no end to the constant torment that I go through and I'm still dreading when I get home.

The hall way was filled with its usually name calling and pushing that the student body directed at me, but was added with my stalkers constant calls that I try not to notice. I just walked briskly and put all my school things in my locker and grabbed my school bag and headed towards the school exit.

As the sun rays shine down on me I looked around franticly for the bus to get away before Austin catches me, but I guess the fates decided that I should suffer some more cause the next thing I know is that I'm being pulled in the direction of the parking lot not the old smelly buses that were being filled with my enemies.

Struggling I tried to get out of the hold that my capture has me in but d@mn this person is strong. Getting fed up I open my mouth to scream bit it seems like that was anticipated because as I took in a lung full of air and was about to scream a hand clamped down over my mouth.

We we're starting to come out of sight of the student body so there was no way for anyone would notice me as I disappeared around the side of the school building. Dread started to set in as the reality that I can't get away hit me, what am I to do now? Then it hit me I can try that move that o saw once on television were that guy jammed his elbow in his captures stomach.

God please let this work. I draws my hand forward then rammed it back with all the strength I have left from all the struggling. My capture staggered not expecting it and let me go, but i wasn't as happy as i should have been when my butt made contact with the hard ground. Yep that is going to leave a bruise.

Hearing loud coughing it brought me back to the present where i saw my stalker and now also known as my capture an the floor trying to catch his breath. Serves him right for scaring me like that. I got up off the ground and dusted off my pants.

"Why the hell did you do that?" i yelled at the idiot.

"Trying-to-get-your-attention" he said between coughs.

Shaking my head I turned back the way we came from to see if I can still catch the bus. "It's gone" he said.

I turned around and marched up in his face, "Then why did I try to kidnapped me?" I said coldly.

"I want to drop you home" I heard the idiot mumble. Is he crazy I thought.

"You can't tell me no cause I already told Mr. Stun I would" that little b*tch.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I told him OK, I didn't want to get in more trouble so I might as well go along with it.
He got up off the ground and less the way to his car, which might I add was really impressive. A sleek black Audie, who is this kid. Getting in the passenger seat I buckled up and stared straight ahead as he started the engine. " So where do you live?" Great volunteer but don't know my address,this is going to be a long car drive, I thought as I started giving the idiot directions.

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