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Today I had the day off but I promised Hannah I would spend Sunday with her. Besides, I didn't mind staying with her. Hannah is like a daughter to me. Just a few months ago, her parents just dropped her off and left her. It's just sad. I don't see how they can do that to her.

Right now we're watching Odell's game against Dallas

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Right now we're watching Odell's game against Dallas. Hannah was watching the game as I was cautiously playing with her hair since it's so easy to come out. Hannah has been taking chemo treatments and her has began to get thinner in some spots. But even through it all, she still smiles.

Kelsey walked in.

"Oh hey Victoria, didn't know you were here." She said.

We hugged. "Today's my day off but I'm spending it with Hannah."

She smiled. "That's good. I was just checking in on her. Her next treatment is in 3 hours." She walked out.

"Look who's on tv." She said pointing to Odell on the tv. I smiled and I sat back. Then we began watching the game together.

Odell began running down the field and Eli threw the ball. Odell caught the ball with one hand and made a touchdown. I couldn't believe it.

"He is insane, how did he make that catch?"

"That may be the greatest catch I've ever seen."

"You have to be kidding me. That is impossible."

Hannah got up and started cheering and so did I. I was so proud of him. Abby can't say anything else now.


"Yo, O, I think you need to see this." Vic said walking in.

He handed me his phone and I examined the screen.

Odell spotted at Club Onyx with a woman, who's not his wife.

"I just took one damn picture with the girl and they already starting some shit. What reason do I have for cheating on Victoria?" I said angrily.

"O you know those people are. They'll post anything to make money. Don't sweat it. Call up your publicist or manager so y'all could sort this out."

"I will but what if Victoria sees this? What will she think?"

"I'm sure it'll be cool. Why you bugging?"

"Yea you right. I'm overreacting. Thanks man but I think Imma just catch my flight back today. I'm tired and ready to get home."

"Alright man. I'll see you when I get home."

We did our handshake and I grabbed my bags and left.


"Nah. I don't believe it." I shook my head looking at the tv.

"I wouldn't be too worried." Mimi shrugged.

Odell spotted at Club Onyx with a woman, who's not his wife.

I picked up my phone off the table and read the message from Odell.

💍🏈💘🌎: Almost Home. ~8:45 p.m.

Me: I can't wait to see you. I missed you.😞 ~8:46 p.m.

💍🏈💘🌎: Missed you too.😘 ~8:47 p.m.

I smiled and sat my phone down.

"Was that Odell?" Mimi asked.

"Yeah. He's on his way home." I replied.

"Aww y'all so cute. Goals." She said.

I got up and walked into the kitchen to get me some popcorn and candy. Mimi was right behind me. She signed and leaned against the counter.

"V, there's a reason why Danny and I came here this weekend. I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked grabbing the bag out of the microwave.

"V mama is not doing so well. Actually it's getting worse and worse. She has 4 more months to live at the most. And we just wanted to tell you in person rather than over the phone.


After I told her she just stood there. I guess she was shocked. But I had to let her know that mama's condition is getting worse.

"Tori, you okay?" I asked.

Next thing I know she had done passed out. My eyes widened and I rushed over to her.

"Danny! Get down here!" I called him.

He ran into the kitchen and over to Victoria.

"What happened?" He asked picking her up.

" I told her."

He sat her on the sofa and fanned her.

"I know she would be upset but I didn't think she'd pass out."

"Well she did."

Odell soon walked in and sat his bag down. He walked over to us and looked at Victoria and then us.

"What did y'all do?" He crossed his arms.

"Well we came up here to tell Victoria about mama. We recently found out that she has 4 months to live so we wanted to tell her in person. But when I told her, she passed out." I said awkwardly as I looked down at V.

He shook his head. "You never heard nothing good anymore. Barely." He picked up Victoria and headed up the stairs.

"Poor V." I said.

"Now all we have to do is tell Joshua. I wonder what his reaction will be?" Danny asked.

"I don't even wanna think about it." I said walking up the stairs.

I did not like this chapter but I did update for y'all.😊

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