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I had just stepped onto the field and I was happy to be back. Today we had a game against the 49ers. Victoria was on the sidelines talking to Coach. I spotted Eli and Amy talking. I decided not to go over there. I walked over to Coach and Victoria, I shakes Coach's hand and kissed Victoria.

"You look cute." I said.

She had on a pink "Mrs. Beckham Jr." jersey, black jeans, and an all pink pair of huaraches on.

"I know I do. You didn't have to tell me." She flipped hair and stuck her tongue out.

"Sike!" I said.

She pushed me and I laughed.

"I'm just messing around. You look cute baby." I hugged her and she hugged me back. Her arms wrapped around me.

"You ready to play?" She asked.

"I'm always ready."

"Good. Now get out there and win this game."

"Got you Fam."

I kissed her and slipped my helmet on. Then I ran out onto the field.
After the game Victoria and I made our way to the car when I noticed I had forgot my phone and headphones in the locker room.

"Shit. I forgot some. Go to the car I'll be there in a minute." I handed her my bag and keys.

She nodded and walked out to the car. As I was headed back to the locker room, Jaz walked up to me and stopped me.

"Hey Odell."

"Hey." I continued walking. She started walking with me.

"You did your thing out there on the field today Beckham, as always." She smiled.

"Thanks Jaz."

"So you wanna go and get something to eat? Some of the boys are going and so are me and Mya."

"Nah. Victoria and I are going out today but thanks for the offer."

"I guess that's cool or whatever." She frowned. "Maybe another time then." She walked away.


Lately I've been thinking about Hannah. She's been responding very well to her treatments and she's close to being cancer free. But I heard some of the nurses saying that she'll be put into the system and that she'll go to an orphanage.

I don't think that I want that. I mean Hannah is like a daughter to me. It's been almost a year that I've known her and we've grown so close. I can't let them take her. I think I want to adopt Hannah.

"Hey I wanna talk to you about something." I told Odell.

He turned over so now I was sitting on his stomach.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Well, Hannah is almost cured and I heard some of the nurses saying that when she's released from the hospital she'll be sent to an orphanage." I said. "And I can't let them take her. I love that little girl likes she's mine. So I wanted to adopt her." I looked down and played with my fingers, hoping he would agree and say yes.

I looked up at him and he smiled. "That's cool with me. Whatever you want baby."

"Really?" A smile formed upon my face.


"Thank you. I love you so much." I kissed his lips repeatedly.


"Danny you can't hide in this room forever. Open this door." Mama said.

I got up and walked to the door and unlocked it. I then went back to my bed and laid down. Mama sat on my bed.

"Daniel Michael Adams. You listen to me. You cannot lay in this bed all your life and I won't let you. Would you stop worrying about me and go and live your life. Mommy will be fine. Do you hear me?" She said.

"But Ma, your dying. And me being your child, how am I supposed to take that? It's hard."

"I know it is. But I'm not dead yet boy. Even after these 7 months, I'm still here even when the doctor said I had 4 left. So get out this bed." She got up and threw the covers off of me.

I got up and she pushed me towards the bathroom.

"Alright. I'm going." I chuckled. "Aye Ma."

She turned around.

"Have you ever thought about it giving it one more try? You know the treatments and stuff?"

"Yea I have." She nodded.

"Can you do it for me? Not just for me but for us." I asked. "Please?"

She sighed. "I guess I can. Now go get dressed and we'll go get something to eat or go to a movie."

I nodded and walked into the bathroom.

Life After Marriage:Book 2 (OBJ Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now