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Christmas Day..


After church today I decided to come home and get started on making dinner for tonight. Since my family wouldn't be able to make it here this year, Odell offered to help.

Before I started I changed into some of Odell's sweats and a shirt. Hannah was watching cartoons and Odell was upstairs changing. The doorbell rang and I put my spoon down to go and answer the door. I opened it and everyone was here. Even some of lOdell's family.

"Hey everybody." I said.

We all hugged and shared kisses. Everybody walked in and Odell can downstairs just in time to greet everyone.

He winked at me and began talking to his dad. I guess this was his idea and I'm happy he did this.

"So who's this cutie pie?" Mama asked looking at Hannah.

"This is Hannah."

"The little one you told me about?"

"Yeah this is her. Odell and I adopted her.

"Well that's so sweet of you too. Is she okay?"

"Yea. She's all better now. Today she got out of the hospital."

"Well that's wonderful."

"Hannah this is your granny." I said.

Mama picked her up and kissed her cheek. "She's too adorable. So you need help in the kitchen?"

"Yea I do. Please."

"Alright" she sat Hannah down and followed me to the Kitchen where Odell's mom, Mimi, and grandma had already started on dinner. We all started cooking and we got dinner done in no time.

Once dinner was done we all got dressed and had dinner. It was so nice to have all the family here. I missed them all. It's great that they're here to celebrate Christmas with us. While in the middle of dinner the phone started to ring and I got up to get it.

I picked up the house phone and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Victoria. It's Madison." She said.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked.

"I've been fine. I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. And I wanna tell you that I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I'm sorry for everything I put you and everyone through. I've lost everything. My kids, my husband, even some of my family's respect. I'm not saying you have to forgive me, but I just wanted to say that."

"Thanks." I said quietly as I looked down.

"Your welcome. I just wanted to let you know that I'm getting myself together. I'm trying to get better. That way I could get out of here, possibly. I just wanna go home and get my children back. It's been almost 2 years since I've seen them. It's been hard being away from them.  And I know you might not believe me, but I'm sorry V. I love you."

"Love you too."



I hung up the phone and sighed. I didn't expect a call from her honestly. But at least she did call. I don't know if she's being honest and sincerely sorry but I'm not mad at her anymore. It's over and done with.

I turned around and saw Odell. He walked over to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Maddie just called me." I put the phone back on the receiver.

"How she get the number?" He raised a brow. I shrugged.

"What she say?"

"She was wishing me a merry Christmas and she told me that she was sorry and things like that. I didn't even expect her to call." I shrugged.

He just nodded and we got back to dinner.


After we ate dinner we decided to exchange presents. Including ones everyone else brought. I spent a lot of my family this year. Everyone was satisfied with what they got.

Everyone was just sitting in the living room just talking and chilling when Victoria sat on my lap. I noticed she was hiding something behind her back.

"I need everyone's attention." She said.

She pulled the box from behind her back.

"I have one more gift for you." She smiled. She handed me the small, rectangular box.

"What did I tell you about presents?" I asked.

"I know but you'll love this one. I promise."

I sat my cup on the table and opened the box. It was pregnancy test. I looked it and it had two lines.

"After all this time, I found out that I was pregnant. Two months to be exact. And I have these too." She handed me ultrasound pictures too.

I looked at them and I smiled. Can't things get any better than this? I have a beautiful wife, a great job doing something I love, a new daughter, and now I have a child on the way? I was beyond happy.

Everyone clapped and cheered for us. I kissed Victoria and placed my hand on her stomach. This was one of the best moments of my life. And I'll never forget it.

Hey guys, I was thinking of using Odell's little brother, Sonny, as their child for the future. He's so adorable ❤️ but obviously he's way lighter than them both. (Skin tone wise) Should I use Baby Sonny or not?😬

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