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I walked into at work at exactly 8:20, 10 minutes before my shift started this morning. I get here early every morning so I could just relax a bit before work.

I walked to the break room and clocked in early. Then I grabbed me a coffee and listened to my music. Without music I don't know who I would be. I was currently listening to Amel Larrieux's~No One Else. I was in love with this song and I could listen to it all day.

I began humming along to the song while sipping my coffee and texting my sister and mom. The rest of my time included looking through reports from the previous nurses' shift. my 10 minutes were up I stood up and went to start my shift. On my way out the door I bumped into someone.

"Excuse me." I said looking up.

"It's fine. Your name is Victoria right?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said awkwardly as he studied me from head to toe. "Umm. Can you let my arms go?"

"Oh sorry. Your just, so beautiful. That's all." He said.

"Thank you. And I would love to talk with you but I have to go. My shift is about to start." I said.

"Cool. I'll see you around." He winked at me before walking past me.

"Okay." I said and began walking towards the front and then I began my daily routine.

First I visited one of my favorite patients. She's a 5 year old girl with cancer and her name is Hannah. I walked into her room and grabbed the clipboard off the wall.

 I walked into her room and grabbed the clipboard off the wall

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"Hey Hannah." I said.

"Hey Mrs.Victoria I missed you." She said.

"I missed you too Hannah." I hugged her. "So you ready to take your medicine?"

"No it tastes gross."

"Well you have to drink it so you'll get better."

"No." She crossed her arms.

Oh gosh. Here we go.

"If you take your medicine, I'll get you some ice cream."

"Any kind I want?"

I chuckled. "Yea any kind you'd like."

"Okay. But I'm only doing it to get my ice cream Ms.Victoria."


Today was Friday and I planned on just relaxing in the house. But I couldn't do that because coach called everybody in this evening for practice at the last minute. Guess that's better than having practice tomorrow though.l and we have a game Sunday against Dallas.

I had just walked in and was heading to the locker room. Today I decided to work out first then go to the field. I dropped my gym bag on the ground and put my headphones over my ears and went to get on the treadmill.

"Hey Beckham." Someone called.

I turned around and saw Eli. He walked over to me and sat down his bag.

"Got a minute?"

I nodded. "Yea."

"I just wanna apologize on behalf of my wife for the other night. Sometimes Abby just gets out of hand and she doesn't care what she says. And I'm gonna make sure that she apologizes to you and Victoria."

I shrugged. "I'm not worried about it. It's cool."

"Not that wasn't cool what she said. At all. But that's all I wanted to tell you. I'll let you get back to doing what you were doing."

I nodded and we did our handshake. He left and I put my headphones back on my ear. I then began my workout with listening to Kendrick Lamar's~Alright.


"Mama you have to let Victoria know. This is getting out of hand." I said.

"You know how she is Miranda. It'll break her heart. Victoria has enough things to deal with already and I don't wanna put anymore stress or burdens on her. Everything will be fine."

"Keep telling yourself that Mama!" I said. "Mama your sick! You shouldn't wait to tell her."

"Don't you think I know that? I know I shouldn't. But your sister is dealing with much already and I couldn't do that to her."

"Well your gonna have to tell her soon." Danny said.

"I will." She said.

The doctor walked into the room.

"Well Mrs. Adams, I'm afraid I have some bad news." He said.

"Well what is it?" My dad asked.

"You have 4 months to live. I'm sorry Ma'am." He said before walking out.

My mama began crying and so did my dad. My brother got up and stormed out the room while I just sat there speechless. I can't believe I'm losing my mother.

This chapter was kind of boring.😭

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