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Excuse the mistakes!


Today Odell and I were at my doctor's appointment. Even though he had work, he took off from his job just to bring me to the doctor. Odell was a great father and husband, and I couldn't ask for anyone else.

The doctor put the cold held on my stomach and soon the picture popped up on the screen. I couldn't wait until my baby girl got here. The doctor checked everything out and said everything looked fine.

He wiped he held off my stomach and I pulled down my shirt.

"So has everything been going well? Nothing unusual had been happening right?" He asked.

"Well I've been bleeding and having cramps lately. And I wanted to ask about it because I was worried." I said.

"Do you feel any pain when you bleed?"


"Well it sounds as if you have Placenta Previa."

"What is that?" Odell asked.

"It's a condition. When the placenta covers part of the opening of the cervix inside the uterus it can cause bleeding. This is usually common in the second and third trimester, in her case she is in her third. Many women their 20s rarely have this issue. It's common in women who are in their 30s."

"We'll be okay right?"

"I'm pretty sure you will but we will have to take precautions. That means no intercourse, strictly bed-rest, and no tampons or anything like that. We'll also have to monitor you and the baby closely, at all times, just to be on the safe side."

"Got it."

"And we may have to do a c-section too, your baby may be breech."

I nodded and my doctor helped me to get up off the table. I grabbed my purse from Odell's hands and we walked out the office. He wrapped his arm around me and we continued to walk to the car.

"How am I going to take care of the house and the kids, if I'm on bed-rest? You have work and everything too." I said.

"Don't worry. We're going to be fine. Maybe we can get Elaina to help and hire someone to look after the house and kids."

I sighed. "Even though I don't want to, I have no choice but to."

"We'll start looking tomorrow."

I nodded and he unlocked the car. He opened he car and I got in. He closed the door and ran over to his side. I buckled my seatbelt and he did the same before pulling off.

-a week later-


"So what time will she be here?" Tori asked.

"She should be here in a few minutes." I said packing my bag for practice.

"I'm sorry I can't make your game today." She said.

"It's okay. I know your situation and I understand. Besides, it's better for you and our baby, so I ain't tripping." I pecked her lips, pulled the cover over her, and fluffed her pillow.

"Thank you." She smiled.

The doorbell rang and I excused myself before going down the stairs. I opened the door and looked at the girl standing before me.

"Oh hell no." I said.

"Odell?" She said surprised.

Sorry I haven't been updating as much, I've been testing nonstop and I haven't been having the time. But this week is my last week, so I'll have more time to update. Also, I'm gonna try and beg my mama for a Mac so I could update from there. Hopefully I get it.

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