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"Okay. Mrs. Beckham if you sign here, she'll be all yours." The lady said.

I grabbed the pen and signed my name on the papers.

"Congratulations. She's officially yours. Hannah Elizabeth Beckham." She said.

I smiled. "Thanks." I said.

We stood up and shook hands before I picked up Hannah out the chair. I slipped on her hat and jacket before we made our way out of the office.

"So now that all that is done. What do you wanna do?" I asked walking to the car.

"How about some McDonald's? And then we go and see Dellie?" She asked.

"I guess we can do that." I hooked her into her booster seat and closed the door. I walked over to my side and slid into the car. I started the car and we made our way to McDonald's. I got us all some food and headed towards the stadium.

When we got to the stadium I got our food and we got out the car. Hannah and I walked towards the back and I used my pass to get in. Once I did, we walked to the field. The Giants had a game against the jets today. Odell was on the field right now and he didn't know that I was gonna be here. But today I managed to get off a little early.

I sat Hannah on the bench and she began eating her food.

"Well, who's this cutie pie?" Coach asked.

"This is Hannah. I adopted her today." I smiled.

"That's good." He bent down and stuck his hand out. "Hey Hannah. I'm coach Tom."

She shook his hand. "I'm Hannah."

Soon Odell came onto the side and he was surprised to see me and Hannah here.

"Hey." He kissed me. "Thought you weren't gonna be here."

"I know but I got off early and I did everything I had to do."


"She's officially ours." I smiled.

He smiled. "That's cool. Where's she?"

I pointed over to where Hannah was with Coach. She had his headphones on and clipboard in hand. She was talking to the players      and walking as she looked out onto the field.

He walked over to her and picked her up. She hugged her and kissed her cheek. My wish has came true. Hannah is finally ours and she's happy. Next thing is to make on one of our own. I've visited the doctor and everything, and she said everything was fine but she gave me some medicine. I've been taking them so we should have no problems now.


"You haven't visited me in almost a year and now you show up! Wow." I asked.

"Madison calm down." Mama said.

"Don't tell me to calm down." I rolled my eyes.

"Look, you may be grown but I'll still pop yo ass. Don't play with me Madison before I hurt your feelings up in here. Don't forget that I'm your mother." She said.

I sighed and sat back in my seat.

"Now. If you must know, I've been sick for a while but I've been feeling a lot better so I decided to pay you a visit."

"It's because of all of you that I'm in here."

"It's your actions that got you here. Nobody but you!"

"Whatever you say." I folded my arms.

She grabbed her purse and got up.

"I came down here to see you and you wanna disrespectful? Stop blaming everybody for the mistakes you've made. You need to get it together Madison. I love you but you need to grow up." She then walked out of the room.

"Okay Ms. Let's go." He grabbed my arm and I jerked away from him.

"I got it. Don't touch me."

I got up and walked to the back.

Life After Marriage:Book 2 (OBJ Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now