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Over the past few weeks Odell hasn't been talking to me too much and when he does, he always has an attitude. I could understand that he's upset but what about me? If I'm not ready, then I'm not ready.

Speaking of him, he was just walking in. He slipped off his shoes by the door and started to walk up the stairs.

"Hey V." He said as he continued to walk up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and watched him walk up the stairs. That's all I get?

Once my nails and toes were dried I walked up the stairs and into our room. I sat on the bed next to him and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. It was pretty boring so I was gonna ask Odell if he wanted to do anything tonight.

"Odell do you wanna go to the movies or something?" I asked.

"Nah. Not tonight, I'm tired." He said yawning.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"I was upset but I'm cool now. Besides, that doesn't have anything to do with this. I'm just tired."

"Well, whatever you say."

"So you think I'm lying?"

"I didn't say that." I walked up to my dresser and grabbed my rag to wrap my hair up.

"But that's what you were tying to say."

I wrapped my hair up and walked into the bathroom to put my brush and comb up. "Jr, I'm not about o argue with you."

"Whatever Victoria." He laid down and turned over.

I turned off the lights, slid into my bed, and laid down.


I told Victoria that I wasn't mad at her anymore. But she thinks I'm lying. Besides its been 3 weeks and I'm pretty over that shit. But honestly, how am I supposed to feel? I want a baby and my wife doesn't want to give me one because SHE'S not ready yet. When we got married we became one. It's not just about her anymore. And that's just something she has to understand


I was walking towards a patients room when I bumped into the same man from a few weeks ago.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's ok." He asked.

"Ok." I nodded and was about to walk away but he stopped me.

"Wait. I wanna talk to you."

"About?" I raised a brow.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to get lunch or something. I wanted to ask last time but I didn't. But now I am."

"You do know I'm married right?" I looked at his name tag. "Mr. Brooks"

"Yea I know. But if you want we could go as friends, nothing more." He said.

"Okay that sounds cool." I nodded.

He nodded. "See you around, beautiful."

He winked at me and continued walking the way he was going. I must say I looked forward to having lunch with him. I didn't see anything with us having lunch together, it's not a date.

 I didn't see anything with us having lunch together, it's not a date

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I continued walking and checked on the rest of my patients. I made sure they were given their meds and fed before making my way to Hannah's room.

(Okay so the reason why I didn't update yesterday was because I had exams today! So I tried studying too and I was tired so I got some rest. But I will be updating tomorrow because school got cancelled, which is a miracle because we're sometimes the only parish around here that has school when everybody out!😂 Sorry if it was boring, it'll get better.)

Don't mind any errors!

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