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*Sean's POV*

I'd been Skyping Beth all week now, things are getting better between us. I just find it so easy to talk to her, she was the nicest girl I'd ever met. Right now I was missing her way too much. She'd gone to sleep earlier than she usually would because she's back at work tomorrow. I called her just before and I told her about how my day went and some other stuff.

I was going to see Norman tomorrow, something about a surprise for Beth. I had no idea what it was but it would be interesting to find out what it is. I was on my laptop when I got a Skype call from Beth. "Hey baby, what's up?" She was snuggled up in bed in her bear onesie. "I can't sleep." I wanted to be there with her. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"It's your turn to tell me a story." She smiled sweetly at me. "About what?" "Erm I don't know, something spooky." We were so alike. "Well I'll tell you about something that happened to me when I was a teenager." She rested her head down.

"Well one of my very close friends had died and I just got back from his funeral. I have the same routine when I get home. I always check the answering machine for messages. So I went up to it and I had no messages. I then went into the living room and well pretty much broke down into tears. You know, just saying things like 'oh why you Jeff' and so I needed someone. I asked him to give me a sign that he was still here. I walked back into the kitchen to see that my answering machine had one message. It totally freaked me out. I swear down that there wasn't one when I walked in. So I pressed play. There was a fuzzy sound for a few seconds and then it stopped. And to this day, I still don't have an explanation for what happened."

"Wow that's spooky. I know of a few 'haunted' places around where I live. When you have the chance to come visit we should camp out there, it'd be cool." She slowly started shutting her eyes. "I'd love to. I still can't believe you're into all this ghost stuff like me." She smiled. "Do you believe in ghosts?" She asked me.

"Well I really want to but no I'm afraid I don't. I once spent the night in one of the most haunted houses in America. I stayed up all night, I did everything I could to get this ghost to communicate with me but I got nothing. I was so disappointed. But once something happens to me for real, then I'll believe in them."

She didn't reply. She'd fallen asleep. I took a screenshot and sent it to her. She looked adorable when she was sleeping. I couldn't wait to see her again.


*Beth's POV*

I woke up with my laptop still open on my bed next to me. Sean was still on my screen but he was asleep. I got up and had a bowl of cereal, taking my laptop with me. I muted myself just in case I woke him up.

I had a quick shower, got dressed and left my laptop on, facing a note for him to wake up to. It read 'morning baby, didn't want to hang up on you. Have a good day, I'll talk to you when you wake up♡x'

As soon as I left the house, not seeing him, hearing his voice I felt empty. Alone. I wish he could be here with me. Or maybe I could stay on the phone to him all day, I don't care how high my phone bill is, I just need him.

I arrived at work to people asking me how my weekend in London was and if Norman was as magical as I made him out to be. "He was great. Really kind and caring." I showed them my photo ops. "Who's that other guy?" They asked referring to Sean. "Ah that's Sean Clark, he's Norman's convention manager and now he's my really close friend."

They all smirked at me and I blushed. "Just a close friend?" My friend said. "Well they can only be friends because he lives in America and she lives here." My boss said. "Well we aren't together, we're trying to work things out. But I have no idea how, but they have to." I worked with all guys, I was the only girl that worked there. It was a sports shop so we sold Nike, Adidas and other brands.

"Oh and Beth, can you come in tomorrow too. Mark isn't feeling well so he won't be in." My boss said to me. "Sure." He wasn't a very nice person. And I hated my job. But I didn't mind being on footwear. I loved selling people shoes. I hated being on womens or mens, there was never anything to do but clean and keep the place tidy.

"Ok then, well you'll be on footwear today and mens tomorrow. If that's alright." I nodded before walking to the end of the store and helping a customer.


The day goes pretty fast when I'm on footwear. I tried calling Sean on my lunch but he was busy with Norman today, something about his next convention. I decided to walk home today. It had snowed all day and I like the sound of it makes when you step on it. It was strange because it never usually snows in March. If it would have snowed a week ago when I was on my way to London there would have been a chance I wouldn't have met Sean. I couldn't imagine my life without him now. I've known him for a week now. I've been without him for 3 days. And these 3 days have been the worst.

Eventually I got home and was greeted by a hug from my mum. "How are you?" She smiled at me. "I'm alright. You?" I didn't tell my parents about me and Sean being in a possible relationship. I just told them who he was, and that we just became really good friends. "Yeah I'm good. You have some post. It came all the way from America." This must be my surprise from Norman.

There was a card address to me. I opened it.
To Beth :)

Last weekend was amazing. I miss you like crazy and so does Sean. All he does is ramble on about you. It's crazy how much he likes you. This isn't your surprise, hopefully it will arrive the day after you get this letter. I hope you like it. I hope to see you soon. I have another convention coming up on the weekend but after that I should be free the next weekend. Maybe I could come visit? I hope you have a lovely day.

Big hugs


Inside there was a signed picture of him, what a dork. So my surprise would be here tomorrow. I was starting to get a little nervous. I needed to know what it is.

After I ate I went upstairs to Skype Sean. "Hey Beth." He was rushing around. "Hey, is this a bad time?" I asked. "Nah I'm just packing for this weekend. Going to Dallas walker stalker con with Norm." He threw some pants in a case. "Ah right, sounds cool. Did Norman say anything about my surprise today? I got a letter from him saying it should arrive tomorrow."

"Hmm no, he didn't mention it. I'm sure it'll be fine." He zipped up his case. "There we go, now I'm all yours." He smiled at me. "Good." I put my arms out and gave him an air hug. "So how was your day?" He asked. "Well I got teased at work by all the guys, that's pretty much it." He sat on the end of his bed and cuddled Zoe. "Teased about what? Not bad, Reedus really misses you. He said he want's to visit soon."

"Just about you and me." I winked at him. "Why? What's you and me?" He said playfully. "Erm nothing. Don't even like you pal." I said sarcastically. "Good, because I don't like you either. I don't like you the most." I shook my head. "Nope, I don't like you the most." He smiled at me. "Fine you win. I like you too much."

My mum came in my room. "Who you talking to?" She sat next to me. "Sean." She waved at him. "Hi miss, it's nice to finally meet you." He waved back. "Same to you. Beth has told us a lot about you." He looked over at me and I blushed. "Oh has she? Like what?" This was embarrassing. "Just that you make her happy and that you're a really good friend." Soon to be more than friends, hopefully.

"Well thanks for coming to say hi mum, see you later." I pushed her out of my room. "She seems nice." He said as I sat down again. "Yeah well she's embarrassing." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He looked above me. "Oh yeah I stuck your signature to my wall, you like it?" I moved the camera closer so he could see it. "It's cool. I need yours on my wall." I rolled my eyes at him. "You're a loser."

We talked until the early hours of the morning until I needed to sleep. "Well I'll talk to you tomorrow Beth." He waved to me. "Sure, I'll miss you." I blew him a kiss and he caught it. "I'll miss you too. Night beautiful." He hug up and I fell asleep dreaming of him.

Sean Clark♡Norman ReedusWhere stories live. Discover now