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*Sean's POV*

Beth wouldn't tell me what was up with her. She just said she wasn't feeling too good. I know that was a lie. She was shaking. She seemed scared for some reason. Maybe is was about the baby. Maybe she thought that she wasn't going to be a good mother. But I know she will, she'll be perfect.

"Please Beth, just tell me what's really wrong?" I begged. "Sean, I'm just really tired and stressed. Can we please just go to sleep." She pulled the covers up to her head and laid her head down on the pillow. "I know when something is bothering you baby. No matter what it is, I want you to tell me. I'll always love you and want to be with you."

I laid down next to her and she pulled me to her. She burried her head in my neck. "I just really need you, I love you. I need you." I ran my fingers through her hair. "I'm always here for you Beth, I always will be." Eventually her breathing slowed down and she fell asleep.


*Beth's POV*

I didn't want to face Norman today. I honestly thought he was going to hit me last night. I know Norman would never do such a thing to anyone but he was just so angry. I'm scared about seeing him again.

"Are you feeling better today?" I really didn't. And I didn't get much sleep last night. I was too busy stressing over the baby situation. "I'm a lot better thanks." He pulled me over to him and we cuddled for a while.

"I can't wait to have this baby with you." He mumbled in my ear. He kissed the side of my head. "Same." I brought his arms around my belly. It had to be his kid. Please let it be his baby.

And to make everything better we had to spend the rest of the weekend with Norman. I know what he'll be like. He'll bug me constantly all weekend about it. Then Sean will find out about it.

I'm not even trying to think of what I'll say to Sean if it's Norman's baby. I'll think of it if it happens. But it won't.

"Come on, lets get ready." Sean pulled me out of bed. "But I wanna sleep." I wined. "Yeah well so do I. But we have jobs to do baby." He dragged me into the bathroom with him.

We brushed our teeth together and he had a quick shave. I threw on some clothes and headed down to breakfast with Flanery and Rocco.

"Hey, where is Sean?" Rocco asked as we sat down. "Oh he's just getting changed. He'll be down in a sec." "I think it's great that you two are having a baby. You're going to be perfect parents."

"What is Norman doing?" Sean popped up from behind me. "He's not coming for breakfast. He went straight to the con. He said he'll meet us for lunch or something." That was strange.

We carried on eating and headed straight for the convention. I loved working with Rocco and Flanery. It was like a dream come true. Not long ago I was watching them both on my tv and now they're my best friends.

Sean gave me a kiss goodbye and left me with them both. "Okay so I'm in charge of you both today?" I asked them. "I think so babe. Lucky you." Flanery winked at me. "I certainly am."


"Today Beth, I want it done today." Norman came over to me once the fans had left. "How am I suppost to do it today? I have no idea how it works." He sighed. "I mean I'll call the doctor and we'll get it sorted as soon as possible." He was making me really nervous. "But what if Sean wants to come o-or something."

"Just tell him it's a check up. I'll come down this weekend to see you guys. I'll go with you. I need to know Beth." He put his hand on my shoulder. "I know Norman. Okay I'll sort something out with Sean. But this baby is Sean's." I rubbed my hands over my stomach.

"Honestly I don't know how I'll feel if it isn't my baby. Obviously if it is then I'll help you with everything. But if it's Sean's I'll be dissappointed. I've been thinking about it and I really want this baby with you." I avoided eye contact with him. I didn't want this baby with him. I didn't want him. I just can't deal with him yelling at me.

I didn't say anything to him after that. I just gently removed his hand from my shoulder and walked away to Sean. The father of my baby.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been going through a lot. I'll try update more if I can.

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