1st Day On The Job

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*Beth's POV*

Well today was the day, I was starting my new job with my best friends. And I couldn't wait to see Norman. Me and Sean grabbed a quick shower and headed out to the convention. "Okay, Rocco is obviously next to Sean, I'll be opposite you, so if you need anything just ask one of them two or come over and see me. It's pretty simple. All you have to do is ask if they want an autograph or a photo or both, take the money and some of them might ask you to take the photo." He took my hand as we walked into the arena. "I'm so excited." I kissed his cheek.

"Well I hope you have a brilliant day baby, I'll come over to you when it's lunch." He kissed me before heading to his own table. I sorted out the change we already had in the box and waited for Rocco to arrive.

Sean already had a few people in his queue. I sent him a text and he said him and Rocco were on their way. I told the small crowd and they cheered. I looked down at my phone and I felt some hands on my shoulder making me jump. "Hey baby!" Rocco said in my ear. "Hey man, how are you?" He kissed my cheek. "Not bad, you?" He sat next to me. "I'm good thanks, so are you ready to get started?" He nodded and I invited the first person over.

She was just a little older than me and had a Boondock Saints t-shirt on. "Hi can I have an auto and an photo please?" She smiled at me. "Sure you can sweetie, That'll be twenty five dollars please." She handed me the money and picked out a photo for him to sign. "And now the photo." She handed me her phone and I took a photo of them. "Have a nice day." And so the day continued.

Flanery kept yelling at me from across the tables, saying how much he loved me and that Sean wanted to do the dirty with me. I couldn't help but blush, I'm surprised that he didn't hear him. God, what had I gotten myself in for. It seemed to go pretty fast and soon Sean came over and let us all go for lunch. "So have you had a good day so far?" Sean asked me. "Yeah it's been amazing. What's for lunch?"

"You can have whatever you want. I'm glad you're enjoying it." He kissed my cheek and I went to go get a sandwich. I sat back down in between both Seans. "I love Sean sandwiches." They both cuddled me.


After a very fun day we headed back to the hotel for a well deserved shower. "So what time is Reedus getting here?" I yelled at Sean who was in the shower. "He's on his way to the hotel right now, so we can go out for drinks soon." We had a quick shower then Sean got a call from Norman telling us that he was ready to go out. I did some last minute additions to my make up and took Sean's had as we headed out. We picked up Flanery and Rocco on our way down to meet Norman at the bar.

As the elevator doors opened I spotted Norman across the room. He was the first person I saw and I needed to hug him. I instantly smiled as he saw me. He stood up as I approached him and I flung my self into his arms. "Hello princess." He kissed the top of my head. "Hi Norman." I mumbled into his shirt. "I missed you so much Norm." I held him tighter. "I missed you too princess." I let him greet his other friends but I just wanted everyone to leave so I could have him to myself.

"Yeah did you hear about Sean and Beth?" Rocco asked Norman. Rocco was the last to find out and he had no idea about what happened between me and Norman. Norman sighed and nodded. "Yeah I think it's great, I'm happy for them both." He patted Sean on the back. "So where are we going?" I changed the subject. "I know a cool place down the road. I don't know if any fans will be there though."

"Oh well, lets just go." Norman said. Sean took my hand and pulled me to his body. He wrapped his arm protectively around me as we walked down the cold streets. "Do you want my coat baby?" He whispered in my ear. "No, I'm fine, but thanks for asking." I kissed his cheek. While all this was happening I could feel Norman's eyes on me. I knew this would happen, and honestly I wanted it.

We arrived at a small bar with a few people in it. They acted normal around us so they didn't know who they boys were. "Do you want a drink?" Sean asked me as he got up to go to the bar. "Just a diet coke please." He sweetly kissed my lips before he left. I looked over to Norman who was looking right at me, I quickly smiled at him and looked over at Flanery. He gave me a worried look, we were both worried about Norman.

"Norman, can I have a word?" I asked him. He coughed and we went outside. He lit a cigarette and I played with my fingers. "What's up with you Norm?" I looked up at him. "You already know Beth." He sighed. "I don't know what you want me to do. I can't avoid Sean all night and stay here with you. But I can't ignore you, we have to face what's happening between us." He flicked his cigarette. "I know Beth. It just kills me seeing you with someone else. I just want to be with you, all the time. I missed you so much." He brought me in for a hug. "I missed you too. But I can't risk Sean finding out. I can't hurt him. I hate to say this but this has to end. For good. I'm sorry Norman."

"I know you're right but I won't stop fighting for you. Not until I have you. I love you Beth and you will be mine. I promise." He went to kiss my lips but I moved my head so he kissed my cheek. "Please baby girl."I pulled back from him. "Please don't call me that." He knew what it did to me. Hearing him call me that sent shivers over my body. "I know you want me baby girl." He moved a strand of hair behind my ear. "Norman, don't." I shook my head. "You do. I can feel it. Let me have you." I stepped back from him. "No, not this time, I'm sorry. I need to get back to Sean."

I left him out there and sat next to Sean and leaned my head against his shoulder. When Norman came back he kept glancing over at me. I hardly said a word to anyone when he came back in. I didn't know what to say to them anymore. After another hour or two we finally headed back to the hotel. "What happened tonight?" Sean asked as we got into bed. "I don't know. I just didn't feel like talking." He pulled me close to his body. "Well you know you can tell me anything right? I'm always here to help with anything. I love you." I smiled at him and placed a loving kiss to his lips. "I know you are. And I love you too."

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