Here She Comes

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*Norman's POV*

Things were going really well now. And Beth was so close to her due date. Just one week away. Which means Sean would be here tomorrow. I have no idea how to act around him now. Do I hold Beth's hand? Do I cuddle her in front of him. Or would that be too weird. I didn't want to cause any extra stress to Beth either so I planned to play it cool with him.

Beth was as beautiful as ever. She was big, which just made me happier because I have more of her to love and cuddle. There was a knock at the door. "Hello?" He was here. "Hi Norman. How are you?" He asked. "Not bad thanks. Just a little nervous You?" I couldn't wait to see the baby but part of me was scared of going through it all again.

"I'm good thanks." He walked in with his case. "Erm I hope you don't mind but you'll be staying on the couch while you stay." I told him. "Yeah that's fine." Things were a little awkward right now. I took his case and placed it down in the corner. "Make yourself at home. I'll just go get Beth."

I walked into my room to see she had fallen asleep again. She was adorable. "Hey sweetie, time to wake up." I sat next to her and ran my fingers through her hair. "Huh?" She moaned lightly. "Come on baby." She sat up and rested her head in the crook of my neck. "Is he here?"

"Yeah." I could tell she was nervous. "Baby, I know you're nervous and this is really weird for all of us. But we'll get through this, together." I spoke softly to her. "Thanks Normy."

I took her hand and we walked out to see him. As soon as we walked out his eyes went straight to Beth. And then to our hands. He looked shocked but shaked it off.

"Hi Beth." She really was nervous, she started to shake lightly. "Hey Sean." She hesitantly let go of my hand and gave him a hug. This was going to be an awkward week.


After a long day with Beth and Sean things finally started working out. Things got less awkward and more like they used to be. Me and Beth didn't act like we were a couple a lot. I guess that's what helped us move on a bit. They used to be in love. Heck, she still loves him, I can see it in her eyes. But she came to me, we were together and I completely trust her. I don't think she could ever go back to him after what he did to her.

I fell asleep pretty much straight away but I was suddenly woken by a noise. I opened my eyes and searched the room. Beth was sat up, moaning in pain clutching her stomach. "Shit Beth, what's happening?" I quickly rushed to kneel in front of her. "I dunno Norman. It hurts, please make it stop. Please." She cried. "I'm calling an ambulance." I rushed out of my room and grabbed my phone.

After the call I ran back in to Beth. "Come on baby, come sit on the couch." I said totally forgetting that Sean was sleeping there. I helped her up and made sure she put most of her weight on me.

"Sean get up." I yelled. I flicked on the lights. "What the fuck man." I saw him look at Beth and the down at the floor by her feet. "Erm Beth." I looked down and there was a pile of water. "Norman please make it stop." I had no idea what to do. "Her waters broke. Oh my god. The baby is coming." Part of me wanted to jump for joy but Beth was in so much pain.

"Sean go get some clothes on before they come." I sat Beth down and rubbed her belly. "What about you man." He asked. I was in my pajama bottoms. "You go in the ambulance with her, they won't let us both in. I'll take my bike." Beth quickly grabbed my hand. "Norman I want you there." She said in between breaths. "I'm sure they'll let us all in."

He quickly got changed and so did I. There was a knock on the door. "Right there here. Do we have everything." I grabbed the baby bag with all the essentials in like diapers, clothes.

We helped Beth into the ambulance. Sean was in total shock. It was his first child afterall. I was in shock too but I had to be there for Beth. I had to make sure she was okay.

We arrived at the hospital and Beth's moans had now turned into screams. This baby was ready to come out. "Get out! Get out!" She yelled to the baby. "It's okay ma'am just breath." The doctor laughed as he walked in. "You. Think. This. Is. Funny?" She said in between breaths. "Not at all, I'm sorry. I'm doctor Naylor." Me and Sean were at either side of her. "Now who is the father?" Sean stood up. "So is she your wife?" I butted in. "She's my girlfriend." He nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to get the nurse in to help get her changed and I'll do an examination on her." Me and Sean exited the room so she could have privacy. We went back in after he did the examination. "I'm afraid you aren't fully dialated yet. It may be an hour or two till she comes out. I know it's painful but we'll get you some painkillers straight away."


"Here she is." The doctor handed her over to Beth. She was the smallest, most beautiful person I had ever seen. "Beth, your a mommy." I said as she held her little baby in her arms. "I'm a mommy." She cried. She kissed her on the head and the nurse came back in.

"Congratulations. She is beautiful. We just need to take her away to do a few tests. We won't be long." Beth carefully handed her baby over to the nurse. She looked heartbroken when they left the room. "I'm gonna go with her." Sean said and followed the nurse, with his child.

"Beth I'm so proud of you." I held her hand. "Thanks baby." She sounded exhausted. 3 hours she was in labour for. It was morning now. "Get some sleep baby. You can see her again when you wake up." She slowly closed her eyes. "I love you Beth, so much." I kissed her hand. "N-norman." She slurred. "Yeah, I'm here baby."

"She's yours." She mumbled. "What?" "You're the father." I froze. "I couldn't tell you before I was too upset. I wanted to tell you but there wasn't a good time." I had no idea what to say. "We can get another test done if you don't believe me."

"Please don't hate me Norm. I'm so sorry." She cried. "I-I." That's all I could say. I must have been in shock for a while because when I looked over at her she was fast asleep. I had a little girl. My own little baby girl. And the girl I love more than anyone in the world was the mother of my child.

This is going to kill Sean.

Sean Clark♡Norman ReedusWhere stories live. Discover now