Britain's Hottest Couple

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"Smile for the camera," Niall mumbled softly, passing a tight smile at the reports who just won't stop pushing the mics and cameras at his face, as if that would brighten up his dull and boring life. 

"I know what my job requires me to do. You don't have to tell me about that blondie," The taller man hissed, pushing a hand through his hair carelessly to mess up the curls which Niall loathed with his entire being. Harry just ticked him off so fucking much and just being in a room with the taller lad who wore the most disgusting clothes ever, was just so suffocating and infuriating for him. 

"Oh I'm sorry Mr. Know it All. I was just trying to be a good 'boyfriend'," he sassed back, his hands tightening around Harry's arms as he smirked when the taller man flinched. 

"Fucking bitch, stop digging your nails in my flesh," He pulled his hands back, groaning when a few girls started shouting words which definitely went along the line of 'what the fuck.'

He hated this so much. Smiling pretentiously for the camera, holding those extra large hands which he hates so much. It's just so fucking sad and disgusting that they had to pretend like this. 

"Alright boys, break it up and act like the 'in-love' couple you are supposed to be," Liam smiled grimly, cringing a bit when Niall glared at him. It wasn't the very first time they had done shit like this. The biggest boy band in the world was just living a lie. They had gotten used to it. Five years is a long long time to get used to crap like this. 

The two boys smiled again, and chuckled humorlessly as Niall snuggled close to Harry's chest and the taller man placed a small kiss on his blonde fluffy hair. He suppressed a moan at the soft touch, PDA was just not Niall's cup of tea. 

"Can we have a selfie with Britain's hottest couple?" A fan screamed, causing a practiced smile to flash across couples' face. 

"Of course." They answered simultaneously, both cringing at the fake kiss they had to share for the camera. 

AN/ So.....this is probably what it's gonna be like. Not the best prologue out there but oh well, I have a headache and this is the best I could write. Anyways, the story will come out in the month of April. Feel free to tell me what you thought of this prologue. Green sign or red sign?

 Drop your suggestions babies! I love you! 

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