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Niall sat staring at his band mate for a whole five minutes, sighing every other second as he tried to figure out exactly what did he like about Harry. The brunette was handsome, sure, he had beautiful curly locks and amazingly long fingers. Niall was a huge fan of Harry's husky voice but then again, he had always just looked at Harry and thought 'ah that's my best mate' and now for him to feel these emotional and sexual feelings towards him was even more than weird. 

The blonde ruffled his hair up, focusing on the lunch that was being served. He picked up the subway sandwich he had ordered and stuffed his mouth with the cheesy, meaty delight. His thoughts kept on trailing back to the many times him and Harry had shared a kiss. It was everything he had actually hoped for, except for the first kiss thought, that was a total disaster. Niall shook his head, focusing his attention back on the rest of the times when their lips had met in a frenzy, as if they were meant to be together, and he couldn't help but blush at the thought. 

"Is the food not good?" The blonde turned around to face the direction of the voice, his eyes widening when they feel upon Harry's full red lips, colored a bit brighter because the man had been drinking red wine, something about it being healthy and shit. Niall brushed the obscene thoughts aside, trying to remove his gaze from Harry's lips. 

"It's good." Niall mumbled, stuffing his face with another huge bite. He felt so confused and just devastated in a way. Harry was his best friend but then they were made to fake date and ever since then, he has just sort of hated Harry, especially after the way the brunette had just taken his first kiss away like that. Never in his wildest dreams had Niall thought he would end up secretly crushing after Harry Styles. He wondered if these feelings were even love. Maybe it was sexual frustration getting the best of him.  The blonde sighed, getting his phone of his pocket once the device started vibrating in his jeans pocket. He bit his lips, trying to keep himself from smiling upon reading the caller ID. 

"Hey Zayn." The blonde squealed into the phone, bringing it to his ears when the older lad laughed on the other line. Niall smiled at the sound, not aware of his band mates watching his every move. They had all decided to come out for lunch and even though Liam and Louis had been going on and on about where they wanted to go for the Made in the AM tour, Niall could hear their voices quietening down once he picked the phone up. He could see Harry shifting in his seat, making the blonde a bit distracted from the phone call. 

"You listening Ni?" Zayn whispered on the other line, a bit concerned for his best mate. Niall smiled at that. 

"I'm listening. I'm just out with the lads and I would ask you to join if I didn't know you were all the way up in London," Niall sighed. They had been scheduled to stay in New York for about three more days before they could fly back to London, spend some time with family before finally recording their sixth album while continuing on with the preparations for the tour. 

"Yeah about that, I just called to inform you that I'm not in London." Zayn chuckled, unaware that the blonde was smiling at the beautiful voice. Niall and Zayn had a bond, something that the other guys never understood and there were times when Louis had ever felt that Zayn had something going on with Niall and Liam had just acted completely done with all three of them. Harry was always pissed with Zayn for reasons the Irishman didn't understand. "So I was wondering if I could come to your house? I have the address of the one you and Harry are living at," The Pakistani asked hopefully. 

"Um..are you sure about it? Don't do anything you don't like Zayn -" 

"It's been years. We're both grown ups here and if he can move on then so can I." 

Niall scoffed, trying at Louis only to find the brunette getting up from his seat and grabbing his phone from the table as if he was about to walk outside. Louis perched his sunglasses on his eyes, smiling small at his three band mates before excusing himself out, leaving Niall a bit confused and a whole lot angry. Someone clearly wasn't a grown up. 

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