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Harry shuddered in his place on the chair. What was comfortable furniture a moment back, was suddenly too rough and harsh on his body, all he wanted to do was get up and drive away from the place. Especially away from a very sad and glaring blonde. 

"What are you doing here?" The brunette cocked his head to the side, taking in the similarities between the two men before his eyes. While Niall had more softer and feminine feature, all Shawn actually had was a bigger ass and a lean body. It was nice, Harry had to admit but it somehow felt like fucking Niall's twin and that just made everything all the more wrong in his head. 

"I work here." Shawn responded curtly, keeping his gaze focused on the way Harry had Niall's hands in his own and was leaning a bit towards the small blonde. It would've been cute if he hadn't just been fucked by the brunette a few days ago. Somehow, the realization hurt a little. Offended him. 

"...Right..." Harry scratched the back of his neck, trying to calm himself down by taking shaky breaths as he watched Niall clench his fingers into a fist. It wasn't the first time he would see the young blonde angry, honestly, he knew better than anyone that Niall had quite a temper. He just knew how to control it better than anybody else but it was still there and if looks could kill, Shawn would have been dead by now. 

"Aren't you going to introduce us Harry? This time in a much sober state?" Niall spoke suddenly, perching his jaw on his hands as he leaned down on the table. It was painful to watch the entire scene unfolding especially with the way Shawn just kept on passing heart eyes to his Harry. Niall's eyes widened at the direction of his thought and the rather possessive words. He quickly shook his head clear, focusing more on the present than on his weird thoughts. 

"I can introduce myself. Harry doesn't have to do that for me." Shawn smiled, running a hand through his hair and fixing it properly. It ticked Niall off how the boy in front of his eyes was a natural blonde, unlike himself and how he had freckles down his neck as well, beautifully arranged even. It was making it all the hard for him to believe that Harry would chose him, a pale Irishman, over somebody so naturally beautiful like Shawn -whatever-his-last-name-is. "I'm Shawn Smith. It's a pleasure to meet you again." 

Niall shrugged carelessly, ignoring the out stretched hand, focusing more on his phone that was lying on the table. He knew he was being rude, unnecessarily rude but really, he couldn't help it. There was just this burning pain in his heart every time he even recalled the night Harry had arrived drunk with a perfect looking twink by his side. Niall couldn't compete with that. This was his first relationship (if you can even call it that), everything with Harry was knew and different from his normal routine life. He couldn't directly give him what Shawn had in a span of one night. And he just hoped that he didn't have to compare with someone like Shawn Smith because damn, he didn't want to fight a lost battle. 

"Well now that we've done the introductions, can we get our food already?" The Irishman cocked his head to the side, fingers working furiously against the screen of his mobile as he replied to the countless pending text messages, something he rarely did but anything was better than being in the middle of Harry and Shawn's burning gaze . 

"Um...Niall, you're being a bit rude."Harry whispered into the blonde's ears, keeping his voice down and giving a tight lipped smile to Shawn who was busy rolling his eyes at the blonde's antics. It was cute how Niall was jealous over someone who won't ever hold a special meaning in Harry's heart. 

"Oh? Am I? I'm sorry I don't like the fact that we're going to be served by the guy you fucking slept with." The blonde whispered back, creating a distance between himself and Harry, eyes focusing more on his mobile phone that the morbid expression on the curly haired brunette's face. 

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