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The London sky had turned a shade of grey, nothing out of the ordinary for the people living in the bustling city. The small blonde walking down the busy market streets quickened his pace. It was a bad idea to have decided to walk all the way to the convenience store only because they were out of milk. But he couldn't help himself. The possibility that it might snow was heavy but it had been so long since he had walked on the streets, freely. He couldn't believe that even after an entire year, everybody was still so hooked on the band and their relationship status.

Once he had neared the entry gate of his house, he quickly got inside, waving to the guard who seemed to be waiting for his arrival.

"Have a good day Mr Styles," the heavyweight guard nodded, a grin coming to his face. Christmas was near and that was enough excuse that people needed to be jolly once again. The blonde smiled, rushing inside with the carton of milk in his hand.

"You're late," the familiar voice spoke softly behind him just as he was closing the door.

"I-I'm sorry. I got a little busy with looking at the shops," the blonde spoke honestly, shivering in surprise when hands wrapped around his tiny waist. He had managed to get into shape a little while accompanying the fellow man to the gym.

"Hmmm...," the slow voice breathed seductively before taking a step back when he heard footsteps approaching. "She has been grumpy."

Niall turned around, smiling warmingly at the man standing beside him before getting down to welcome his little one in his arms. It had been a year since they had pushed all their troubles away and moved to a mansion in London. Their life was certainly simpler now, with the band behind them and just solo projects to take care of. Niall had released his album and was looking forward to touring it while Harry was also doing the same. They had decided the dates in such a manner so that little Melanie was never alone.

"Did you get the milk?" The girl asked, her face coiled into a frown. The Irishman was quick to wipe that frown away from her face by presenting her the carton of milk he had just purchased. He watched as his little daughter quickly bounced a little before rushing towards the kitchen to eat her favourite fruit loops.

"Can't believe she has turned five already," Niall spoke softly, removing the scarf from around his neck. He discarded his long coat next, not very proud of the disguise but it had still managed to keep him away from all the fangirls and the chasing paparazzi for today at least.

In a year, a lot had changed. The band had officially broken up and all the members had gone in their respective directions. Niall had shifted houses and also adopted a little daughter but that wasn't the best part of it all. As much as he was proud of having Melanie Styles in his life, his greatest joy was always going to be his special day.

"What are you thinking about Mr Styles?" The brunette questioned, tilting his head to the side to get a closer look at the blonde. He smiled a little, hair shorter now than what it used to be before. He looked handsome now but Niall was always going to miss those long luscious curls a lot.

"About it all, Mr Styles," the blonde chuckled, circling his arm around the brunette's shoulders in a loving manner. His smile widened when the sparkling diamond ring on his finger came into his range of sight. Oh, how he wished that things would never get hard for them again! He loved this life, this happily married, blissful life he was living in the middle of the bustling city of London with his husband and daughter.

"Things have surely changed now, haven't they?"

"Like what?" Niall questioned, wanting to know the truth from somebody other than his own voice.

"Well for starters, we're married now," Harry smiled, kissing the knuckles on his husband's soft hands. "Secondly, we're no longer under the control of a fucked up management. And, let me think, we've got a daughter now."

It was all a dream come true. Now within a year, it might all seem like such a rush but they had been dating each other for long before that. Getting married seemed like the right option and it was their two month anniversary soon. Melanie had been a sort of surprise. She wasn't adopted by both of them at least but only by Harry and it was all thanks to this charity he was helping at. All the abused and mistreated children or abandoned kids were being looked after by an NGO and Harry just could not leave little Melanie alone. When they were in the band, he had been visiting her frequently and sending money to help all the kids but once he had left One Direction, he had officially adopted Melanie and given her his surname. When Niall and he had gotten married, it was natural for the two males to become so attached to the little angel. She was a moody princess but Harry was grateful to God every day for the smile that lit her face up.

"Would you look at the time!?" Niall exclaimed, eyes darting at the antique wall clock his husband had collected from somewhere. He took a minute to admire the male beside him and concluded that he definitely looked damn sexy in that flower print silk shirt of his.

"We should get ready or Lou will kill us," Harry chuckled, grabbing the blonde by the hand and tugging him in the direction of their master bedroom.

"I cannot believe that he gets married today! It's so crazy."

"Crazier than our story?"

"Nothing could be crazier than that," Niall chuckled, pulling his husband inside and closing the door behind them. "I'm so lucky I married you Mr Styles."

"I'm so lucky I married you too Mr Horan."

"And now Louis is going to have his day, and then he'll become Mr Malik. Oh my fucking God!" the blonde exclaimed loudly only to be silenced by a kiss on his lips. "What was that for?"

"Nothing, you just looked cute...and edible," Harry whispered, stepping forward so that Niall had to step back until his legs hit the bed.

"Not now, Hazza," the blonde replied shakily, putting his fingers on the male's broad chest for protest.

"Are you sure?" the voice was huskier now, much more seductive and eager than what it usually was and who was Niall to deny the pleasure.

"Oh fuck you Styles," he cried out, getting lost in the kisses being peppered down his body.

Fuck, it was good to be married.

AN/ I am not very proud of the ending and I am sort of contemplating writing another story for Zouis buuuuut how many of you people would read something Zouis?


thank you all for sticking by my side. If I ever have the time, I will definitely improve this story a lot since I am not very satisfied with it.

I love you all a lot and thank you so fucking much for reading this!

All the love babies xoxoxo

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