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Niall didn't know what to do. He had absolutely zero clue about where things were going right now. Everything was just so hazy in his mind. He had nobody to talk to. His band mates clearly preferred taking Harry's side and he didn't want to bug his mother or talk to his dad about such trivial matters. 

Getting up from his bed, he decided to heat up some milk while waiting for Harry. Clearly sleep wasn't going to come until he was sure the taller yet the youngest of them all was tucked in the bed and sleeping soundly. It had become a ritual. No matter how much they fought and hated each other, the blonde just couldn't sleep until he was sure that Harry was safe. He did use to be his best mate and Niall just blamed his kind heart for wanting to take care of Harry. 

Bringing the cup out of the microwave, the blonde closed the kitchen lights and walked to the safe sets they had in the drawing room. It was a beautiful place, truly, with lush leather sofa seats and a beautiful glass table. This was almost like a second home to Niall now. He was familiar with every nook and cranny of this mansion. 

The loud noise of someone giggling outside brought him out of his thoughts. The blonde quickly placed his cup of warm milk on the table, ruffled his already messy hair up before walking towards the door. He already had a big speech prepared for Harry, he was going to tell him off loud and clear. Make the guy know that he was not allowed to stay out so loud, specially not without informing him or either one of the boys. 

"Harry you can't keep on doing this -" Niall stopped, his chest tightening as he took in the sight before him, something he had seen way too many times before but for some reason, this time it hurt so much more than those other times. He shook his head, getting rid of all his feelings and tried to keep a neutral face, emotionless mask that he had learned to wear due to years of practice.  "Harry and you, stranger, you can't pop in here at 2 AM in the night. What if somebody sees you?" He quickly took the taller brunette by the arm, not caring about the slightly shorter, curvy boy he had by his side. 

"Harry, since when did you become gay?" Niall asked once the awkward silence had settled in between them, with Harry just staring at him as if he wanted the blonde to say something and the other guy just kept on touching Harry, making Niall roll his eyes when  his band mate refused to respond to the touch even though he was busy eating the other's face out just a few minutes ago. 


"Alright but since when?" Niall crossed his arms on his chest, keeping his gaze focused on Harry's green eyes, pretending that the curvy little twink wasn't in the same room as them. He already hated that boy and the poor drunk lad hadn't even said a single word. Too horny and too drunk. Never a good combo. 

"Since forever I suppose. Why do you care?" 

"Because you're my best mate?" It came out as a question, the blonde frowned at himself. Was he not sure about what they were anymore? Surely, even though they were going through a rough patch, they could surely fix it. Harry just needed to be a bit more considerate about his feeling and just, not pull that interview stunt ever again. It made Niall uncomfortable, he hated being the center of attention and being just that on national TV was just as embarrassing as it could get. 

"I don't think we are that anymore. Come on Sion," Harry nudged the other guy, taking him by the arm in an attempt to drag him upstairs to his bedroom. Niall cringed. He had gone through the entire phase of Harry doing exactly this but this was different. This wasn't Harry hooking up with random girls, girls twice his age sometimes but rather, this was him bringing a strange but adorable looking guy to his bed. Niall took a second to assess the boy. Short, around 5'7, curvy little body, nice ass, blonde ruffled up hair, glasses that were hiding his eyes but he was definitely cute, with his freckles and button nose. 

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