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"Look at us," Louis pointed at every single one of them, ignoring the slight shake of head Liam did as he noticed what his best mate was about to do. "We're such a happy group of fi-four guys. Just chilling and having a good time." Harry rolled his eyes, not missing the way Niall was completely ignoring every word being said.

"We're alright Louis," Niall faked a smile, not meeting Harry's eyes which were once again trying to get his attention. Yesterday was a huge mistake, he told himself, scolding his conscious for allowing him to kiss his band mate like that, not for the cameras and the screaming fans but simply because he wanted to. That was a first for Niall, actually wanting to kiss someone and actually doing it all on his own. He wondered whether Harry was as disgusted with himself as he was. Who was he kidding? Harry probably washed his mouth his soap the moment he ran upstairs and back into his room. He hated Niall, why would he enjoy a kiss with him?

"Sure, cause I can totally not see the bags under your eyes and how you keep on tugging at your bracelets. You only do that when you're nervous." Niall rolled his eyes at Louis' words, wishing that the brunette would just shut up and leave him alone. It wasn't that hard to understand that he didn't want any company, especially not right now. There were so many thoughts going about in his head and with Louis poking his nose about in Niall's business, the blonde was pretty sure that he was going to snap at the oldest member pretty soon.

"Come on guys. Let's just have a good day out yeah? Let's talk about what's been happening in our lives," Liam said, giving a strange look to Louis, one that clearly meant shut up and let me deal with this. Niall would've been extremely grateful to him if they weren't all crowding his room right now.

His thoughts went back to what has happened just a few hours back. He knew Harry was still thinking about it, he could tell from the way he keeps on trying to catch his attention but the blonde really didn't want to think about that. Think about the way he shoved Harry of, and then once again, called him a slut and accused him of having transferred his diseases and infections. Niall really hated the words that left his mouth sometimes, especially towards Harry, they always seemed to be so extra foul and he wondered why nobody else had ever noticed the hatred between them. People surely couldn't be that blind.

Thankfully, before they could have had the chance to dwell on the topic of the kiss, and share some more accusations, Harry was running up the stairs and the doorbell was ringing way too loudly. Liam and Louis had arrived, quickly putting the entire incident on hold. He was grateful that they had, for once in their life, arrived to their place at the specified time.

"Let's play spin the bottle." Louis rushed out, already getting on his feet to find a bottle. He knew Niall was annoyed at everything and everyone, Harry was too hurt and confused to speak a single word so he was going to find everything out on his own. He couldn't help but be interested in where his two best mates were going to go with their relationship.

"We're not teenagers anymore Lou. Can we just - ugh- can we just leave my room? It's making me dizzy," The blonde muttered softly, getting out of his bed and flushing slightly when he felt all of their eyes watching his every movement. He hated being the center of attention, even in his own friend circle.

"Are you okay?" That same husky and ridiculously slow voice spoke out. Niall was tempted to bash his face in, and scream on top his lungs that no, he really wasn't okay. His emotions were all over the place right now. Did Harry like him? Did he like Harry? He was probably over thinking things. Surely, it was all just a sick game to his band mate. He was used to seeing Harry use and throw people around, call them on his own whim and then leave them hanging. Niall was used to Harry's shrewd ways, he had witnessed them too many times. With all of Harry's girlfriends. People fell for Harry too easily and he certainly didn't hesitate to take advantage of that. This was another reason why Niall hated Harry, his own best friend and band mate, he hated how Harry thought it was okay to play with people's emotions and surely, Niall was certain that he was just another one of Harry's conquest. He wouldn't let himself become that though, he wouldn't beg Harry to take him again like all those other people had. Harry was never going to get anything out of Niall. That was certain.

With a new resolve, the blonde walked out of the room, avoiding Harry's eyes until they were far behind the other two boys. Niall didn't want Louis listening in on anything and he certainly didn't want Liam to get worried. Even though he wasn't the youngest among them all, he was certainly treated like that. The way Harry had once put it, 'always being babies by Zayn.' It wasn't anything Niall could help though. Zayn was just always there whenever he needed him to be. During his panic attacks, during the times where Niall was actually tempted to take his own life and end it all, during the hate, during his own problems and even when he was confused about his sexuality, Zayn was always there, holding his hands, patting his head, telling him everything was going to be alright. Harry wasn't though, so really, the taller lad had no right to accuse Niall of anything.

"Whatever you are planning on, is never going to happen." Niall whispered once he was sure that Harry's attention was not elsewhere. He ignored the confused look the other boy passed him, looking like a kitten when he did so, his lips curling into a frown and his eyebrows furrowed together as if he was trying to decipher some secret code. Niall bit back a small smile, not wanting to seem weak in front of Harry, especially now that he knew he was just another toy in Harry Styles' game.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Keep away from me Harry because the day it goes too far, I won't hesitate to quit the band and publicly announce that everything we had, was nothing but fake."

"Stop threatening me when I didn't even do anything." Harry roared, pushing his curly locks to the side as he glared at those blue eyes he loved so much, trying to understand what the fuck was even going on.

"I won't be your fucking toy. I won't ever ever be your little bitch for one night. Stop pretending that you might actually care when you fucking don't." Niall hissed out, throwing his hands in the air in frustration as he walked away, trying to create a distance between him and Harry but he was pretty sure he heard that soft voice speak out, maybe to himself or maybe it was directed towards Niall but the blonde wanted to believe the three words so damn much. "I do care." but could he really trust Harry?

AN/ So yay, another chapter lol.

Thoughts on Niall?

Thoughts on Harry?

Is Louis going to come up with something now?

What do u think will happen now?

Is niall justified in thinking this way about Harry?

Do u think harry is serious about wanting to be with niall?

Next update when this chapter gets 100+ votes and 40 + comments!

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