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"Louis, Louis, Louis," Harry chanted the moment he found his best mate making his way through the crowd. The large masses of people frowned and shoved the small brunette before finally stopping in front of Harry. Meeting at the mall was really not a wise choice but Harry needed to buy some curtains and Louis had nothing planned. Plus Harry really needed to vent out to his best mate, the one who knew everything about his feelings and what not. 

"Harry, Harry, Harry," Louis mocked, rolling his eyes as he deliberately lowered his voice down, until it was slow and husky like Harry's. Well, kinda. 

The two walked in complete silence as the taller brunette led the way into the food court, his stomach grumbling when the smell of delicious pasta and pizzas entered his nostrils. He placed an order for two plates of red pasta with Pepsi, before walking to the corner of the room, away from public eyes. They really didn't have to worry much with five bodyguards placed right behind them and a few sitting at the nearby empty chairs. 

Harry played with his rings for a while, ignoring the curious glances Louis was passing him. His mind kept on replaying the scene again and again in his head and for the first time ever, he wondered whether he would be able to win Niall over or not. It was too difficult to pretend to be annoyed with the small fake blonde when everything he did was just pure adorable. 

"Alright Harold, tell your troubles to the relationship guru," The high pitched voice spoke, the brunette crossed his arms over his chest as his think pink lips curved into a malicious smile and Harry knew that Louis was not the ideal person to go to but he was the only one who understood him and actually managed to keep his mouth shut and not interfere too much. 

"I think he really hates me. Like, honestly it seems like everything I do just pisses him off and I'm so scared that he's going to break the arrangement because clearly nothing is working out between us. Sure girls love having a gay couple in the band but the amount of hate is still pretty high. I'm sure even the management won't mind at all if Niall and I actually split up for the public eyes," The fear and remorse in his slow voice just made Louis frown. He was used to seeing Harry feeling so very sad and unsure of himself. You'd think that the guy who got so much ass on a daily basis and was the most popular among all of them would be a bit proud and actually cocky. But Harry was not like that at all. Unless it was in front of Niall. That was the only time he actually acted like a dick. 

"There is a fine line between love and hate, young Harold. Moreover, the management won't let you go, there are still around eight months or some left for the contract to end. I think you need to charm him," Louis nodded to himself, ignoring the quirk in Harry's eyebrows as if saying 'as-if-that-will-happen' but Louis had faith in himself. He knew how the two were with each other before this entire fake dating shit came into their lives. That's when Niall bought his walls up, he made sure to hate everything Harry did as if he was scared that if he didn't hate enough, he might just fall in love. 

Harry on the other hand, was completely gone for the blonde. It was sad for Louis to watch him go to random clubs or hook with strangers just to forget the fake blonde, only for a second. More than that, he really wanted to move on from Niall, as crazy as that sounds. 

"Louis I don't think he's even gay or bisexual. Or even interested in me. He seems to want nothing to do with me and I'm pretty sure he will leave the band if we stress him way too much. I really just want to be able to see him as a friend, just a friend and then it won't hurt too much when he insults my hair or my clothes." The curly haired brunette ran a hand through his hair, pushing the long curls back. He could feel that void taking place in his heart as he thought back to all the times Niall had called him names, varying from 'asshole, womanizer, man whore' to what not. 

"You'll never know until you try. You can't just give up on him like that, especially not when you're madly in love with him. We're going to come up with something," Louis smiled to the waitress, getting his fork ready to shove the delicious looking pasta in his mouth. He watched Harry shake his head, before following his actions. 

They ate in silence for a while, Louis' mind already coming up with a master plan. There was no guarantee that it would work but they had to do something. He can't just watch Harry waste all this time and thoughts on Niall as if he was the only guy in the universe. And if this plan didn't work out, then Louis would help Harry move on from Niall, take him out to parties and set him up on blind dates. He'd do all the best friend stuff but right now, he really wanted to get the two of them together. He had noticed the way Niall would freeze and glare at anyone who so much as touched Harry or made him smile. Or noticed how whenever the two argued, Niall always forget what he was about to say when he stared at the brunette's green eyes. It was so blindly obvious that they both had feelings for each other but they were both behaving like idiots. One more than the other. 

"I have come up with a plan. There is a fifty percent possibility that it won't work out and you might even lose the small amount of self respect and dignity you have." Harry placed a hand on his chest, clearly offended by Louis's words but didn't stop him from continuing. "But I think Operation Blue Eyed Idiot might just work." 

"Operation Blue Eyed Idiot?" 

"Well, he has blue eyes and he is an idiot. And I speak the truth," Harry shook his head, knowing full well how Louis tended to act like a five year old at times. Plus the name was kinda funny and adorable, just like Niall, so he didn't have a problem with it.

"What's the plan?" He took a sip of the Pepsi, hissing a bit at the coldness before taking another sip as he waited for Louis to finish the pasta in his mouth. 

"You, my friend, are going to seduce Niall Horan and make him fall for that huge thing you are packing. Make him know what he has been missing out on." Louis winked, watching Harry choke a bit on his food. "You'll soon be choking on something else if my plan works right." 

AN/ Lmao, I love Louis. 

Omg, your comments are so so amazing! I'm so glad you guys like this story. When I started writing this, I thought it would be one of those stories that nobody noticed but just ignores because they are plain boring and horribly written. But you people are actually reading this and I hope you're all liking it! This means the world to me! 

I had the worst day today. when I woke up with this girl commented on 'Like I Would' that I should've picked Gigi instead of Perrie. I politely told her that I wanted Perrie in the story rather than Gigi and I am not making the girls character anywhere close to a bitch. Like Perrie is a genuinely good character and a small character in LIW. I see so many people making them as complete bitches in their story, and even I have done that in HTM, but I really didn't want the same shit to happen in LIW. But then that girl, I don't know misunderstood what I was saying and started accusing me of calling Perrie a bitch.  -_- Like I'm a very sweet person most of the time, I brush aside comments but Perrie is one of my idols, she's one of the girls i look up to and for someone to accuse me of calling her a bitch is just sad and of course it made me angry. You can't expect me to keep quiet when you're accusing me of calling my fucking idol a bitch. That's just wrong, especially when I'm trying to make you see that Perrie is nowhere close to being a bitchy character in Like I Would (that's my Ziall fiction btw). SO basically she told me that I have a shitty personality when she herself was completely accusing me of crap and acting as if what she was saying was right. I'm not going to be sweet and nice when someone is accusing me of shit I didn't even say. Like jesus christ, I'm not a fucking saint. And plus, it's my book, can't I decide my own characters? I love both Gigi and Perrie but I was really missing Perrie when I wrote Like I would lol. She's queen af. Hair music video is just <3 <3 Anyways, enough with me ranting lol.

Apart from that, ARE YOU EXCITING FOR OPERATION BLUE EYED IDIOT TO COMMENCE ? (suggest some better names please. I am not very creative with names lol) 





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