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"I don't think we should do that." Niall muttered, opening the lock of their house. He walked inside quickly, sighing at the magazines scattered all across the table and gingerly started picking them up. He really didn't have to clean for Zayn but Niall hadn't seen the lad for such a long time and as much as it made him feel giddy inside, he also wanted the Pakistani to know that he was taking well care of himself. 

"You were the one who was unhappy with it all. Whatever happened to lying to the fans?" Harry cocked an eyebrow, getting a bottle of beer out from the refrigerator as he leaned against the kitchen counter, watching the small blonde quickly stack all the magazines up and place them neatly under the shelves. He rolled his eyes in annoyance. 

"Lying to them is still bad but I don't want to break their hearts by telling them it was all fake. You know how much they adore Narry?" The blonde whispered, getting a washcloth from the kitchen to clean the tables. They really should've hired a maid to clean all the house at least once a week because him and Harry were definitely not the cleanest bunch. Even though Harry was organized most of the time, but these days with so many interviews and photo-shoots piling up and their schedule becoming tighter and more packed, even Harry couldn't maintain the house anymore. 

"You change your mind awfully fast. Just previous week you were all about calling it quits. Whatever happened to that." The curly brunette tried keeping the annoyance at bay but with the way Niall was quickly cleaning everything up just because of Zayn and how they were having this annoying discussion, was really ticking him off. All he wanted to do was get drunk off his ass so he didn't have to even face Zayn Malik. Even though, a part of him did miss the weirdo. 

"I didn't change my goddamn mind. I am just thinking about how the fans will react to everything and it made me realize that my previous decision was not the brightest one." The blonde rolled hie eyes once he had cleaned the glass table and moved forward towards the kitchen counter where Harry was sipping on his root beer.  

"Well make up your fucking mind. Do you want to keep fake dating or do you want to end it? You can't go back from all your words!" 

"I just told you what I want. If you don't want to keep dating me then just fucking say it to my face." Niall clenched his wrists by his side, walking inside the kitchen after glaring hard at Harry. He picked up the pan, tossing it on the counter with a loud band and smirked in satisfaction when Harry flinched at the loud noise. 

"Niall, we're fake dating. There is no question of whether I want to continue with it or not. You fucking hate me. You loathe my presence. You even once cringed when I just simply walked inside the room." 

"Hey, that was back when you were a big man whore. You were shagging every chick you saw. I had the right to cringe at you." Niall tossed the chopped vegetables inside the pan, allowing them to heat in the mild temperature oil. He moved on to preparing the meat. 

"Oh so I fuck a girl and I'm in the wrong but you practically grind you ass on some fucking cunt you don't even know, and may I point out, you showed it off to me, and you're still the pure and innocent Niall Horan?" Harry asked, shaking his head at how they were drifting far away from the topic. 

"I only did that to show you that I am not a fucking toy. You can't just kiss me and then ignore me." The blonde hissed, slicing the meat into small pieces before putting it inside the pan. He moved the spatula around for a while, trying to make sure that the meat was oily and slicked with sauce enough before turning the stove on high. 

"I didn't ignore you. You ignored me! You always ignore me when something goes wrong and directly, the blame always falls onto me." Harry yelled, tossing the bottle of beer in the trash can as he turned around to walk into the kitchen and closer to the blonde just so he could see his blue eyes. They had been yelling without so much as looking directly at each other and it was getting on Harry's nerves.

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