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Harry ran a hand through his curls, sighing out loud when his fingers got tangled in the mop of hair. He desperately needed a haircut but it was too much of a hassle to get one. The fans were glad when his long curls were back after the movie shoot was over and even Harry was quite happy about them, Niall always loved his long hair, at least he used to.  Now, Harry was certain that Niall didn't even give a fuck whether Harry lived or not. He shook his head, getting rid of all the negativity before walking towards the in built closet. 

The brunette had carefully moved out of the house for a while. The moment he had gotten back home from the club, he had ran up the stairs to his bedroom and packed a bag of his t-shirts and coats, jeans and everything else he would need and after informing Liam, he had booked himself a room in a hotel. It was a good thing that he was rich and famous, getting one of the most expensive hotels in the city and making sure every need of his was met to its requirement. The perks of being in a world renowned band. 

He took out a simple blue shirt with white polka dots, getting dressed for the show they were supposed to be doing at Saturday Night Live. He still had time, hours even to get dressed and leave but with nothing else to do, Harry decided it would be better to already stay prepared. It had been a week since he left the house and he was running out of neat clothes, due to which he had to settle for a used pair of black skinny jeans ripped at the knees. 

A part of him didn't agree with his decision at all. He had told Niall that he was giving up but was he really? Was it always so simple to leave the person you've loved for years, behind and just move on? Harry didn't think so. He knew it was going to be hard and he had talked everything out with Louis when the shorter brunette had visited his hotel room just a few days after the tragic mini move out. It wasn't much but Louis seemed to understand where Harry was coming from and surprisingly, he didn't bother Harry with other plans but just stayed there, watching Friends re-runs on the TV. It felt good to not be bombarded with silly questions which Harry really didn't have an answer to. 

For starters, he didn't get why he felt the need to say those words to Niall. The blonde would surely be confused and stressed right now, probably trying to decode Harry's words till they started making sense. Harry just felt like he owed it to himself and Niall, the blonde was surely not understanding Harry and the brunette was too damn nervous and fucked up to make Niall understand anything. Secondly, he didn't get why he couldn't ever have a normal, civilized conversation with Niall. He was certain that if Niall and him talked things out, even after that breath-taking last kiss, they would figure something out. Niall was a smart boy, he was quick to catch on to things and if he wasn't so damn insecure,he would notice in an instant that Harry had already fallen for him, body and soul.

Getting dressed in the fresh shirt and then proceeding to pull the jeans on, Harry wondered about how they would act around each other. The band was a big mess. Liam didn't know anything, he was suspicious but he never interfered in their business. Louis had, according to Harry, given up on getting Niall and him together. And as for Niall, the blonde was surely going to ignore Harry.  He was certain about that one thing. 

For a brief moment, the thought of going up to management and telling them to quit this entire deal came into his mind but he brushed it to the side. Once the awkward air settles in between him and Niall, the fans themselves would label 'Narry' as dead.  What was the point in taking with the head personnel from modest when all they would try to do was get them to understand why a fake relationship was needed and Harry really didn't want to listen to the same old lecture. He didn't want to go through the same drama for the fourth time. 

He carefully brushed his hair, trying to untangle the brown curls from one another. The one thing he hated about having long curls was that they always seemed to find their way to get into each other. They would just lock together and it would take Harry a few minutes to get them into the neat position.  He was glad that Lou was an expert at these things, an expert at handling his hair so he never had to worry. 

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