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"Yes Niall?" Liam asked confused when his fake blonde band mate raised his hand just like a little kid in a classroom. It wasn't really Niall's fault though, Louis and him tended to get a bit loud and meanwhile, Harry was away doing god knows what. The band had been told to decide how they were going to pretend to be in love and everything alike. It wasn't exactly hard for the other boys but Niall had never been put on spot before. He never had to have those fake winter girlfriends or date those American cougars, he was always kept safe and mostly away from the public eye. But that was about to change now. His relationship status would soon change from single to taken by Styles and he wasn't prepared for that to happen. 

Even though Niall was fully aware of his sexuality, him being proudly gay and all that, not once had he felt any kind of attraction towards Harry. There were moments when he felt that Zayn was hot but the Pakistani was no longer in the band, it would have been nice though, to be called Zayn's boyfriend and Niall was fully certain that he was also Zayn's type considering the bloke always dated a blonde with blue eyes. But with Harry, there was nothing. No heart throbbing moments, no furious sweating and nervous glance, no sexual dreams or the want to submit. Harry was always in the friend-zone for him. 

But here he was, raising his hand to ask his extremely loud best mates about the most dreaded question. He really didn't want to do this but his mind and heart were both screaming at him to just ask. This was a big deal for Niall. Yes it might be weird for some people considering he is already twenty two but Niall really wanted to wait for that one special moment. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth, his two band mates staring at him in confusion. 

"Do-Do I have to kiss Harry as well?" There, it was out now. He felt slightly relieved. Louis and Liam were very well aware of his problem. He could never just deem someone worthy enough of his first kiss and making love was pretty much out of the chapter. Sure he had been on dates with not just guys but also girls. They had all been lovely and yes, he had also managed to loose his 'cheek-kiss' virginity but his lip one was still very much alive. 

"Not at first. You'll have to start with holding hands and laughing heartily at his jokes," Louis laughed just thinking about the misery the blonde will have to go through just to make the band more famous and also, that way they can gain the support of the LGBT community as well. One Direction might just read a new level of fame with this stunt. Modest really thought this out well, didn't they? "And then there will be romantic dates and after that you both can share your first ever kiss. Shit, that's only applicable to you, Harry has been spreading the love ever since he joined the band." Louis laughed again. It was kinda hurtful how he couldn't sense the misery his best friend was in but then again, the feathery haired brunette was pretty much used to having fake girlfriends or seeing his best friends have one. For him it wasn't a big deal, in fact, Niall should consider himself lucky that he was being paired with somebody he knew and actually liked as a friend rather than some random person from the streets. 

"I have never kissed someone and to loose my first kiss just for the sake of a PR stunt....," His voice trailed off, the tears already welling up in his eyes. The three could faintly hear the sound of a door opening and the blonde quickly wiped away his tears but not before he heard that slow and extremely husky voice call out. 

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" The concern in Harry's voice would've actually made Niall cry more if he wasn't angry at the entire situation. His brain had already transferred part of the blame and anger on Harry. Why didn't he protest? Why did he not say no? Why didn't he come up with another plan and another blonde bimbo to date? 

"Niall here is worried that he will lose his first kiss to you - a guy he doesn't even love," Louis explained, ignoring the glare Niall was sending him. 

"That's it? You're worried about your first kiss?" Niall gave a shy nod to the curly haired idiot. He would've laughed if this was happening to someone else but the  feeling of embarrassment was making it hard for him to even fake a smile. 

"Get up," Harry ordered, tugging at the blonde's hand and making him stand. He stared at the two smirking brunette's who were definitely aware of what he was planning on doing and back at the blonde who was just staring at him with his wide blue eyes. Harry smirked a bit before leaning down. 

"Here's your first kiss," And when the chapped lips met the soft thin ones, the sound of a slap filled the room. 

"Fuck you Styles," Niall screamed, the tears finally streaming down his face. Did these people not care at all? This was his first kiss and three pair of eyes were now glaring at him as if he had committed a crime by slapping his band mate. It might not be a big deal these days but Niall cared, oh he cared so much about his first kiss and here he was, in the hotel room with his band mates, his lip virginity being stolen away from him. 

He turned around to glare at the two brunette who were currently sitting on the floor just watching the scene unfold. Liam looked like a deflated puppy and was about to open his mouth to apologize but the glare Niall sent him, made him close his mouth shut. Louis, on the other hand, was openly glaring at the blonde, not understanding what the big deal was about this supposed 'first kiss.' Surely anyone would consider themselves lucky to be kissed by Harry Styles right? Apparently, Niall wasn't one of those people. 

Niall finally turned around to face Harry, the closest thing to a best friend he had ever had. He could feel himself regretting everything when his eyes fell on the red bruise but then the image of what Harry had done infiltrated his mind and all regrets were just gone. 

"I hate you so much. Keep your hands away from me." 

This seemed to snap Harry out the trance he was in and he glared at the blonde with his emerald green eyes. Usually, Niall would praise those eyes and curse himself for having annoying blue ones. Green was so much better but not today. Today he wasn't going to praise anything about Harry. 

"You think I like touching you? Sorry to burst your bubble, but if it wasn't for the management's request, I wouldn't even be staying in the same room as you." 

"Did the management tell you to steal my first kiss just like that?" 

"You're fucking twenty two. Do you know how stupid you sound right now? You couldn't kiss a person in your entire twenty years of life? Loser!" 

"Not everybody is a fucking man whore like you Styles. Some of us have morals," Niall turned around and quickly left the room without giving Harry a chance to retort back. He didn't regret anything he said. It was true though wasn't it? The long haired brunette actually did fuck anybody and everybody he liked, no questions asked. But why the fuck did he have to expect Niall to be just like that? Yes he was twenty two and it was definitely sad that he hadn't lost his first kiss but that wasn't because he never found the opportunity to but because his heart always told him to wait for the right guy. The one that would buy him flowers when he was sad, the one who would cook him a nice meal and hold his hands whenever he wanted to. Somebody who would love him and not just be in the relationship to fuck. Was that too much to ask for? 

AN/ Tell me your views about the cover of the story? I worked really really hard to make it btw. 

What's your view about the story so far? Do you guys like it or is it too boring? Am I going too slow? Or too fast? 

Please leave behind your comments and suggestions! 


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