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Harry could feels eyes watching him and he knew that it was definitely Louis because Niall hadn't looked at him once and every time Harry had turned to stare at Niall, the blonde had just blushed furiously and hid behind Liam. He wanted to roll his eyes at the way Niall was behaving but somehow, he found the action cute. It meant that Harry had an effect on the blonde.

"There is something going on between you and the idiot over there," Louis whispered harshly, smiling at the screaming fans before turning his attention back to his giant mate. "You're going to explain everything to me." Harry chuckled, nodding his head before going back to the mic stand.

They were at the studio, shooting for Saturday Night Live and as much as he was having fun, there was still this feeling of warmth surrounding his heart. He couldn't help but think back to Niall's apologizes and his honest confession about missing him, the blonde had in fact dragged Harry out of the room, not giving the taller man a chance to speak and as much as Harry was enjoyed all of this, he was a bit worried for his expensive clothes. There weren't many words exchanged afterwards. Niall went back to his own quiet shell, staring at Harry every now and then, and then blushing furiously while they drove back towards their house . He never expected to forgive Niall that easily, in fact there was nothing to be forgiven but there were so many things to talk out. Why did Niall feel like Harry was just playing a game? Why did he always kiss him back? And why was he trying to make him jealous, if he was even doing that, at the club? So many unanswered questions were tugging at Harry's chest but he brushed them all off, saving them for when they would go backstage to change into simple clothes and leave the studio.

Brushing his hair away from his face, Harry took the mic in his stand when the familiar beats of the song they knew by heart now started playing. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Niall smiling happily at the fans while strumming the chords on his electric guitar. This was his song and the blonde was enjoying it a lot. Harry smiled to himself, getting ready to sing the chorus and give it his all. He could see Niall glancing at him every now and then, and just the small action made his heart flutter. Was it possible that Niall reciprocated the feelings? He shouldn't let himself feel so damn hopeful but he still did.

He belted the chorus out right, eyes still locked with Niall's and waiting, hoping that the blonde would stare back at him, even if it was just for a second and when Niall sang the next line, Harry was almost sure that the entire crowd was just focused on them because the blonde was seating so beautifully, his shirt was clinging to his chest and he looked so damn tempting right now. And his voice when he said that line, staring right into Harry's green eyes, was a sight to behold.

"Let me be your goodnight."


Niall wiped the sweat off his forehead, smiling widely at the crew members telling them that it was a good show. He had to admit it, this was probably the most fun he has had in a while and even though, they were singing songs from their fifth album, mostly the ones they had never performed before, Niall was more than excited to present their sixth album to the fans. He was sure they would go crazy over it as well.

The hiatus, as fun as it was, lacked that loud stadium and those bright, blinding lights. It didn't provide him the thrill he wanted and right now, performing on that stage, feeling the adrenaline run through his veins, he felt more than excited. He felt at home and at peace with himself. The nagging feeling that had been clawing at his chest was long gone and he wondered whether the reason for that was getting Harry back or performing in front of thousands of people who loved their music. Maybe it was a bit of both.

The blonde walked inside the dressing room he had been assigned, quickly getting rid of his sweaty shirt. He walked towards the lines of shirts hanging on the rack, eyeing every single one of them even though he couldn't care less. The air conditioner was on full blast, making him shiver every now and then, goosebumps rising on his arms when the cold air met his body, spreading a feeling of cold to it. He picked up a simple green t-shirt, sniffing it to make certain that it was clean before putting it on, right when the door to the dressing room slammed open.

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