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Niall eyes twitched as he watched his boyfriend flirt openly with Ed Sheeran, one of his best mates and what's more horrible was that now they were moving to the dance floor, Harry tucked by the ginger's side. The blonde clenched his fists, trying to calm his anger down. He hated how easily Harry could switches sides, go from being a dominate man to a flirty minx. It was frustrating the blonde and just when the curly haired brunette wrapped his arms around the ginger, he knew he had had enough of just standing at the sides, letting Harry do whatever the fuck he wants to.

"You are coming with me," He faked a smile at Ed, nodding at his direction before ignoring the man completely as his hands grabbed a very drunk Harry's arms and tugged him outside. This was definitely going to be in the headlines but nobody was going to complain. Their relationship had become plain boring now for the public eye, sure they were still the most trending couple in the social world but that's all they were anymore. It had been months since they started dating and now Niall was almost sick of pretending to be someone he wasn't and he for damn sure was not Harry Styles's Boyfriend and potential husband.

"Damn bitch, ease your grip on my wrist. You'll bruise my beautiful skin," The taller man yelled, quickly snatching his wrist away the moment he saw they were out of the party. They were both well aware of the fact that paparazzi's were still around but maybe this was the spice their "love life" needed. Some fake melodramatic story of one of them being a cheater and then another never ending love story to offer all those teenage girls who drooled over gay ships.

"Aw, is Harry Styles a little weakling?" Niall mocked, opening the passenger door of his Range Rover and giving his band mate a little shove before walking to the driver's seat. It had been eighteen months since they started doing this fake dating stuff and honestly, Niall was used to Harry's boring and annoying presence. They were expected to do everything together and as much as Niall wouldn't have cared about that back in the days when they were nothing but best mates, now everything he did with Harry seemed wrong and irritating.

"Says the one who is 5'7 and can't even fall asleep alone," The blonde clenched his hands tightly around the steering wheel. He wanted nothing more than to slam the fucking brunette's head in and punch him again and again but resisted, simply because Harry was taller than him and had more muscle on him. Niall would easily be defeated in a battle with the curly haired lad.

"We're home. Get out," He said in the coldest voice he could muster and watched Harry frown but then smirk, knowing that he had managed to tick Niall off and then got out of the car without any question. Eighteen months and Niall still found him annoying to be around. He had hoped that faking a relationship with his best mate was going to be easy but then Harry had this stupid phase where he started pushing Niall away, not even hanging out with the smaller lad for a simple lad's night out and then he started having random girls over. At first, the blonde decided to brush it off, knowing that it was just Harry's loneliness acting up once again but then it became annoying. Especially when they were forced to share a house and Niall had to hear moans and groans throughout the night.

Louis had easily left the matter, escaping off in LA and then flying around USA a bit with his new girlfriend while Liam just went MIA altogether. But now the break was over, they were done with the eighteen 'peaceful' months of their lives and now, they were planning with their new tour and already writing for their sixth album. This just meant that they two of them had to pretend a lot more, going out to A list celebrities parties and kissing for the cameras, practically snogging in front of thousands of people.

"Did I piss you off?" Harry asked once he saw the blonde enter their bedroom. They didn't really sleep together but all of Harry's stuff was still there along with Niall's. The blonde simply ignored Harry, pulling the cupboard open as he shuffled through his T-shirts, finding nothing comfortable lying there.

"Here you go," Harry mumbled from behind him, passing him his simple black shirt without another glance in the blonde's direction. He stared wide eyed as Niall took the shirt with a hmph and walked out of the room and into the joint bathroom. The brunette rolled his eyes at his band mate's antics.

Niall walked out of the room without saying any thing to Harry. He wasn't going to deal with this stuff again, this arguing back and forth between them was getting tiring. He gathered all the fluffy pillows and his favorite purple blanket, ready to leave the room even though it was his house they were staying in and he owned this bed.

"Niall, what are you doing?" Harry yelled, grabbing hold of the blonde's wrist before he pulled his small frame closer to his own. Not understanding what was happening, the blonde watched all the pillows slip from his hold and felt anger rising from within him.

"Stay away from me. Don't touch me. Don't talk to me and don't, don't question my actions," He hissed out, glaring at the green eyed man with a sneer on his face. This fake relationship was getting ridiculous and Niall was determined to break it off. They had done this for one and a half year, that was enough publicity for them, wasn't it?

"I'm talking to management tomorrow. We're not doing this anymore. I can't stand the mere sight of you, being in a relationship with you is like death for me," He shoved the taller man off, picking up his pillows from the ground and left the room, not noticing the hurt expression on Harry's face and the single drop of tear that slipped from his eyes.

AN/ Feedback is appreciated!

Do you like this story? Please do leave your suggestions behind!

What are your views about Harry and Ed? 

Do you think Harry likes Niall? 

Why was Niall suddenly so angry?

Are they really going to break their "fake relationship"? 


Random question: If you had to date one member of 1D, who would it be?

My answer: Neil , obviously! 

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