I Got This

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Life will never be the same without you inhabiting it.
The laughter you created.
The hours of endless labor that would wreck your entirety just so you could provide.
Your family was everything to you.
They were your world.
You were an angel on Earth.
You simply were, in all your being, a fearless oak.
I viewed you as my idol.
A person held together by industrial strength glue and built upon an industructable foundation.
Your hands, tough as a tank's flesh. 
You were taken to soon.
Torn down by terminal disease riddled bullets.
You were a fighter and our family's protector.
I stood at your side when it was time to go and told you...
" It"s okay...go...I got this.."
You awaited my permission...you fought until there were only shreds and a hollow shell. 
With mom laying her head upon your powerful chest, you took one last exhausted breath and left your body.
You became the air around you.
You surround myself, my mom and my sister.
My sister has grown and transformed...beautiful and intelligent.
Mom is stronger and tougher than life itself.
I will take up your shield and armor and continue the battle through life.
I will ward off evil that tries to penetrate our family's stronghold.
You're not gone though...you come to me when I beckon you...when I cry out in despair.
You come to me when I ponder within the doubt inside myself.
When I begin to think I am not going to win this chess game that life imposes.
You are the wings that lift me up.
You are my ally on the other side.
I miss you...but then I realize you're not that far away.
So daddy....
" I got this"

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