Thistle and honey.
Diversity in nature is never ending and withholds undying perfection in the palm of its' hand.
Lime brushed blades of dewey summer grass.
Salsa red flecks in harmony with the squash yellow tinge of autumn leaves.
Copper toned pipes cloaked in the translucent shimmer of winter's breath.
Thick hickory as strongly scented as arugula.
Plumes of ashen volcanic smoke char your lungs with a deep burning sensation.
Brilliant plant bones filled with chlorophyll marrow.
Emerald and Grape swirl together over a ebony sky.
Rust dyed dirt drinks up the water pouring out of electric charged clouds.
Its' parched lips healing from being split open by heat similar to the Saharan desert.
Crowds of bubblegum and butter colored flowers pop their heads out of bed and wipe the sleep from their eyes.
Honey and thistle.
Sweet and enticing versus unpleasant and dangerous.
Nature's presence.
Poetry Unraveled
PoetryPoint Your Compass. Find Your True North. Release your Imagination. Embrace What Defines You.