ch. 24 Part 2

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Part 2 of Chapter 24

Skylars pov

The light of the chandelier beamed brightly as us. Eyes pierced around us and whispers erupted from all around. There were many masked people, heck, even the servants  around had masks.

'stay calm but be on high alert' Andrea spoke.

"how nice of you three to show up 10 minutes late" Luke says approaching us. He was dressed elegantly with a dark green mask that brought out his eyes.

"I blame Skylar who takes forever just to get dressed" Jace pointed out. I laughed and looked back up at Luke.

"Skylar you look so beautiful, just like your mother" Luke says smiling. I thanked him and Ryan shrugs as I kept a hold onto him. Luke darts his eyes towards Ryan and smirks.

"and don't you just look handsome" he says making Ryan blush. There was a gigantic stage that had musicians playing classical melody music and It was amazing. 

"Well if you don't mind me I have some business to attend to" Luke says. He gives Jace a nod and I turn my attention to Ryan.

"there are so many people" he said as everyone walked past us. I looked around the whole building structure and took a deep breath.

"It's going to be okay" I say trying to focus but deep down I was shaking.

'you're letting him get to you. Don't overthink this Skylar' Andrea said.

"I'm going to go get some food real quick, do you want anything Sky?" Ryan asks. I nod no and he walks off leaving me alone. Now here's the awkward part because I'm alone around people I hardly know and my crazy mate will be here any minute now. I slowly walk in the crowd hearing many people talking about all sorts of things and all I could honestly think about was when everything will happen.

Ryan's pov

Something doesn't feel right. Jace and Luke are acting very strange around me and have been secretive not only towards me but Skylar as well. I shouldn't of left her alone though. She could be panicking right now. Damn I'm so stupid. I walk over to a table with tons of food everywhere and gaped. My mouth literally watered. I grabbed a plate and instantly started stacking it.

"dang, you want anymore while you're at it?" I heard someone say behind me. I stop and slowly turn around looking at the stranger. He wore a black suit, black mask and he was pretty big.

"I--um" He began laughing and I felt my cheeks heating up from embarrassment.

"I'm just kidding, sorry, my name is Kyle" he says extending his hand out. I put my plate down and smile shaking his hand firmly. (*If you don't remember him he's from ch.17*)

"I'm Ryan" I say smiling. He looks around the ball room and turns his attention back on me while smiling.

"An honor meeting you" he says. Honor? I smile back at him but slightly stay puzzled.

Skylars pov

Where did Ryan go? I start looking around while walking in the crowd of people, carefully sliding my way through. All my sense were on high alert until a warm hand suddenly grabbed mine and pulled me into them. Shocked, I was met with those icy blue eyes and a huge grin plastered on their face. Why couldn't I sense him??

"my my, you look mighty enchanting tonight" He whispered as he took a whiff of my scent.

"David" I say before he cuts me off.

"shhh, let me have this dance with the lovely princess, shall we?" he smiles twirling my body out and then back into his chest. 

'Andrea I need to-' I couldn't talk to her anymore. Somehow my connection just cut off. I looked back at David as we moved to the melody of the music around everyone and he seemed so....focused. Like as though something was set to happen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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