Chapter 8

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Skylars pov

I opened my eyes, and saw a plain black ceiling, this was not my room or davids. I tried to get up but my hands were locked up and so were my feet, what the hell, now this is starting to get creepy. I looked around and saw metal bars as though I were in some kind of jail cell and then it all hit me, me and David walking back to the bike, sensing wolves coming, but they were alphas and Daniel, he knew my secret yet told the alphas, then I ran back to the bike because David told me to run, and that's when he got to me and put wolves bane in me, but who? I remember him saying 'I'm so sorry Skylar', their voice was familiar and I knew he was an alpha. I looked all around and huffed in the worst scent ever, it was a mixture of death and rot.

"Ehh" I groaned. My arm was killing me. I tried wiggling out of the chains, but they were tight on my arm. I heard whispering around, I wasn't alone. "Hello" I said, still trying to get out of the chains. I couldn't see anybody cause it was dark, all I saw was a little light, I guess it was night already. The whispering stopped and it was dead quiet.

"Skylar" a voice said, it was familiar but it wasn't the voice that said he was sorry yesterday.

"Hello, help me please, you don't understa" the mystery person stepped out and stood where the light was shinning in front of the cell, it was Daniel. I growled at him and all he did was give me an evil laugh.

"Well, isn't that rude to growl at an alpha" he said, he was joking right, he thinks he can take my position. I tried to talk to my wolf, but it was like I was being blocked, dam wolves bane.

"Go to hell, Daniel" I spat. I tried tugging more at the chains, but they still wouldn't budge. My power was useless. I couldn't even use my weather or elemental powers, this was more then just wolves bane that was injected in me.

"There is no use, so stop trying to get out of the chains" he said still smiling.

"Fuck you!" There haha, I finally said it, he was always a jerk even to Jessie and Cloe, I could tell he threatened them that morning, there was no hiding it. He opened the cell door and walked up to me back handing me across the face. Sense I didn't have no power, it hurt as hell, I could hear yelling from afar, it was David, he must have felt my pain.

"Keep on talking with that dirty mouth of yours and your mate will feel much more, so I suggest you shut the hell up, you bitch!" He yelled. I felt something dripping down nose into my shirt, it was blood. Dam bastard. I looked up and spat in his face making him whine. "Alright that's it" he said, pulling a needle out of his pocket, grabbing my arm.I tried to wiggle around but it was no use, I was weak. Before I knew it, I blacked out.

I felt my body being lifted, off the ground, like someone was picking me up, who could it be? My eyes were still closed yet I could feel their energy and power radiating off of them. They were an alpha. My body was too weak to even open my eyes, Daniel must have put a lot of Wolves bane into me. I heard whispering around me, I tried my hardest to open my eyes but I only got a blur, the only thing I could hear was the whispering.

"Do you think she will be alright?" I heard one man say on my right. The alpha set me down on something soft like a bed, t tried not to make a noise knowing that I was weak and my arm hurt, that idiot, got me on the same spot my uncle did.

"She will be fine, once she wakes up, we will get her prepared" he said. The voice was familiar, it was my uncles, I wonder what that trader had in mind.

"But what will the council say, I mean if they find out what we are up to, they will surely kill her, and us" the other man said. My body was numb and I tried moving my fingers but once again, it was no use.

"I will make sure they do not find out, but for know, she needs rest, the council will be here in 2 days and I don't want this plan to fail" my uncle said making me a little worried. What did he mean when he said once I wake up they will get me prepared, prepared for what. I heard footsteps walking and then a door closing. I tried with all my power it move but I didn't get anything. This was all my fault and now i put my own mate in danger. A tear slid down my face as I moved my finger slowly. Wait, my finger moved. All my fingers moved and then my hand, slowly my arms and then my legs. I felt weak though, while moving I threw myself up feeling pain rush through my body.

"Arg" I mumbled. I covered my mouth hoping anyone could not hear me. I moved my legs and got up using my straight to hold my balance. I stubble a little but kept me balance straight.

'Andrea' I said, hoping she would answer. I knew the 2 dosages of wolves bane put into me, cut the connection between me and my wolf, but I had to at least try. 'Andrea come on Answer me' I said again. I clenched my hands into fists and closed my eyes, concentrating. Come on, I an do this, I'm a hybrid after all. 'Andrea' I said again a little more demanding. A tear rolled down my face, there was no use, in trying.

'S-Sky-l-lar' I heard a stuttering noise in my head.

'Andrea' I said getting happy. 'I missed you so much, you don't how scared I was without you'

'I know, what you did was what hardly any other wolf could do, usually it take about an hours or 2 for their wolves to come back, especially sense you had 2 dosages of wolfs bane into you' Andrea said sounding a bit surprised.

"Well it took some concentration, but for right now we need to find away out if here' I said, she chuckled while I looked around the room.

'Well we can take the window and transform into our vampire and run back' she said making me wonder. That is a good choice, cause then we can be free and go to see out ma-, mate, I forgot about David.

'Wait, we can't leave without David, he is our mate, if we leave him, he will die' I said making her growl. I saw a window and noticed it was night, maybe if I can get David, get outside And run, the alphas probably won't sense me if I can cover my scent.

'Yes, I will cover your scent' Andrea said reading my thoughts, I nodded and shut her off walking towards the door. I put my ear on it just so I can hear anything or anybody near me. I heard nothing but silence, this wasn't good.

'Andrea it's too quiet, I sense that someone is outside near us'

'The window, we are on a higher floor, and the cells are below us, we can get our mate out climbing from the windows' she said making me nod again. I turned around and walked towards the window, looking down. It looked like I was on the 3rd or 2nd floor, I could climb down, and from there find David. I opened the window easily and stepped on the ledge, I looked down and saw another window below me, all I had to do was just fall onto that ledge. I pushed myself off and landed on the ledge, before I could grab it, my foot slipped and I fell down. Falling into the air, i landed on the ground with a slight thud. Thank god, my powers were back cause then I would have broken something. I got up and looked around me seeing nothing but the woods.

'Andrea, now' I said before my vampire came in view. I sniffed the air and inhaled in David's scent, the scent finally hit me and I smiled. I walked around the pack house and looked to the side off me seeing a door surrounded by bushes, so that's where their secret little exit is. I knew the door was locked, so I used my vampire strength to open it. I peeked inside and again, sniffed in that disgusting scent, I sniffed for more, looking for David's scent until it finally hit me. I snuck inside making sure not to make any noise. 'Andrea cover my scent'

'Got it' she said, I walked in looked through all the cells and found nothing. I looked at the last cell down and saw a small figure lying on the floor with chains around them. I came up to the cell and saw that it was a boy, he looked to be my age and seemed like he was hurt pretty badly. I walked up to the cell and once again used my vampire strength to open it. Once the cell door opened the boy moved.

"Hey, are you okay?" I said to him, he put his head up and looked at me confused.

"Who are you?" He said, his voice was a little dry.

"My name is Skylar, what's yours?" He looked at me like I was some kind of weirdo.

"Why are you here, who sent you, Daniel?" He said sounding a little pissed, oh someone's coming to rescue you and now you think I'm the bad guy? Two can play at that game.

"If it wasn't for that asshole I wouldn't be here now answer my question, what is your name" I said putting in a little anger. He laughed a little and smiled at me.

"I'm Steven" he said while giving me a weak smile, before I could go help him, I heard Andrea.

'Don't help him' she said making me stop.

'Why, he stuck in here like I was'

'This is a cell for wolves that had crossed the alphas land or are threats, I don't trust him'

'I will question him after, Andrea, but for now we need to get him and get out if here, he can be a great use' I said before cutting her off.

"Look, I will let you out if you can answer one question" he looked down and then at me still giving me a weak smile.


"The was a boy that was brought in here not long ago, where is he?"

"Who the one that kept calling your name?"

"Yes now tell me"

"Not until you get me out of these chains" okay now he was pissing me off.

"What make you think I can trust you?"

"I can help you find your mate, get me out of these and I will help you" I had no choice, if he knew where David was then I had of choice, all I just want is my mate right now in my arms.

"Fine" send I had my vampire strength I grabbed the chains and ripped them apart. Steven looked at me wide eyed.

"How did you do that?" He said sounding a little scared.

"Long story now help me" once we walked out of the cell, he led my down more and more cells until I found David's scent hit me again. We walked more and more cells, I started to walk a little faster, the scent was becoming stronger, when the scent was now feet away from me, I instantly turned and saw him lying in the floor with his face all bruised. "David" I said, he didn't move at all, I opened the cell door and ran to him tearing the chains apart. I pulled him up slowly and he finally opened his eyes badly seeing.

"Skylar?" He said. I smiled with tears coming down my face.

"Yes it's me David" I said helping him get his balance, his face was so bruised, it looked like he was beaten. We walked out of the cell door and David's sniffed the air, looked directly at Steven.

"Who is that" he said a little frustrated.

"He's a friend that can help us get out of here" Steven looked at me smirking. When he looked up and saw David, his eyes went wide.

"Aren't you the soon to be alpha of the moonshine pack?" David nodded, his had drooping down. I can tell he was weak, so it would be harder for him to mind-link his pack to help us, or shift into his wolf.

"Enough chatter, let's go" I said, Steven turned us around and we walked all the way towards the exit door" once we opened the door, I knew within that moment that was our chance of freedom.

"Ready?" Steven said a little excited.

"Let's go" I used my vampire speed to run in the woods with David in my arms, and Steven shifted into big brown wolf. We saw the border and ran faster, this was so easy, but something didn't feel right, as I kept going I felt a slight pinch, on my leg, then on my arm.

'Skylar, this is not good, turn back now, you need to be somewhere safe' Andrea said making me a little frustrated, the border was feet away from us and my body felt like people were pinching me.

'We're here already, I'm not turning back' I'm finally free and now she wants me to turn back. My body was now starting to burn, what the hell is happening To me.

'No Skylar, if you cross that border you will-' I cut her off because she made feel frustrated, Once we crossed, the burning became more intense.

"Gaaaaa!" I screamed. I drop David on the ground and Steven looked a me in shock. "What's happening to me!" I felt my bones cracking everywhere, this was painful. I looked at my hand and saw White fur starting to come out. I heard from a distance wolves, this wasn't good. "Steven, take David to the pack house!" David looked up at me in shock also.

"Your shifting" he said, by now I fell on arms, and i could feel still all my bones cracking, it hurt like hell, It felt like 100s of people at once, punching and kicking you. Steven shifted and picked up David. "No I have to be with her!!" He yelled. He was still weak from the wolves bane, but he tried. Steven ran with him leaving me in the woods all alone. I heard paws coming up towards me as I saw all the fur coming out. I felt an intense pan rush through me again and this time, that pain was killing me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I roared. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out, in and out. I opened my eyes and saw that they were only 2 wolves in front of me. I looked down and saw white paws in front of me.

'Skylar, please listen, imagine yourself, in your human form, I can help you' I heard, Luke, mind-link me. I imagined myself in my human form and noticed that I was naked. I was bent down, in which all my unmentionables were covered. Luke shifted and changed into shorts, once he finished, he walked up to me handing me some shorts and a shirt, with the additional stuff. I ran behind a tree and changed quickly into a Pair of shorts and a shirt, (with the personal items). Once I came out I saw Luke and the guy behind him standing there waiting for me to say something.

"Luke" I said, my anger was boiling, I already wanted to rip them apart. They knew what was going to happen al long, they knew I was going to shift and yet this was he surprise I got.

"Skylar" he said, silence filled the air.

"You knew"

"Yes I did, I did it for your safety" he said making my temper go even higher.

"Safety, you and all the alphas kidnaped me and were going to tell the council what I am, this was for my safety?!?" I yelled, he dropped his head down in defeat, he knew i was right.

"I'm sorry Skylar, I had no choice, but right now you need to understand that this was not suppose to happen"he said, my face became in confusion.

"What are you talking about, I heard you when you set me down on the bed, you said your were going to get me prepared, and that was for my shifting right?" I said.

"No Skylar, it wasn't for your shifting, it was for your escape" he said.what!!!


"I didn't want you to be killed, you are the last hybrid with special powers, the only actually, there are more hybrids out there with no power like what you have, do you know what they means?" I didn't understand, what was he getting at.


"Come on Skylar think, did your wolf or vampire ever tell you where they came from?"

"No, my wolf tells me everything, she told me all her secrets, there is nothing else she could hide" I said truthfully, Andrea would never lie to me, I am her other half.

"No Skylar"

"She would never lie to me, you don't even know her anyways" I said a little loud.

"Skylar I know because my wolf talked to your wolf, my wolf knows your wolf, Andrea, your more then just a hybrid with elemental and weather powers Skylar", no he had to be lying, this is not true, Andrea would never lie to me, never.

"No! Your lying!" I yelled.

"Skylar your wolf an vampire were the ancient ones that were descended from a king and queen, that's why the council and alphas want you dead" he said my jaw dropped and my whole world collapsed.









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